Friday, May 27, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 27, 2016

This foreign born B list mostly movie actress who can hopefully hang on to her role in that long running franchise even when they replace the lead recently had the worst kiss of her movie career. She says it was with this former A+ list mostly movie actor who is still an A. She says he talked about the scene for days in advance with her and how hot it was going to be and she said it was cold and emotionless like a robot was performing. She said he was really proud of himself afterwards.

Naomie Harris/James Bond/Will Smith


  1. lemon swizzle2:50 AM

    Color me shocked.

    She's a great Moneypenny.

  2. oooooo2:51 AM

    probably cause Will is gay

    and prefers kissing both ends of men

  3. longtimereader2:55 AM

    Will smith having no chemistry with a woman?

  4. Zilla13:00 AM


    If only this was an actual life skill, lol.

  5. Kno Won Uno3:00 AM

    While I can understand'revulsion' is too harsh......I'll come back to it...
    What is the reason to divulge this, especially in context of the previous blind re: trash talking. It just seems a bit bitter & unnecessary to me.

  6. Sick of kno3:10 AM

    Why don't you change your name to THE WORLDS BIGGEST HYPOCRITE?

  7. Kno Won Uno3:17 AM

    I appreciate your input, but I'm not sure your comment makes any sense at all.
    Please don't help with clues! ;-)
    I'll figure it out eventually.

  8. Just Saying3:33 AM

    If you don't like all types of gossip then leave. Nobody like a gossip nazi,

  9. Next time, Naomi should try wearing a fake mustache.

  10. Penelope29:32 AM

    He talked about it for days??

  11. It looks like you attracted a troll Kno.

  12. texasrose12:05 PM

    I wonder if he rode up all on her during the kiss.

  13. Kno Won Uno12:13 PM

    If only I understood *why* that's hypocritical. ;-) Maybe someday.

  14. Hot Cola6:02 PM

    What a jack off

  15. Malibuborebee1:41 AM

    I'm trying to recall a decent love scene from Will Smith - ever.

    Nope. Nothing.
