Monday, May 23, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 14, 2016

Who knew she was quite so image conscious? This still married A-/B+ list mostly movie actress goes out of her way to make sure fellow moms at school are not in per pap shots. She says she is doing it out of kindness, but the truth is she hates the thought of any other mom trying to upstage her or looking better than her.

Jennifer Garner


  1. Zilla12:22 AM

    Pap shots= what an actor strives for when they can't land any good roles.

  2. Kno Won Uno2:43 AM

    Her career can't be much more over.

  3. sandybrook2:50 AM

    She can make more Christian themed movies with Kirk Cameron.

  4. Pink Escada2:58 AM

    She's an actress on par with Jessica Alba. She was HORRIBLE in Dallas Buyer's Club. She showed not gravitas playing a doctor. She would be more authoritative as a Candy Striper.

  5. Pink Escada2:58 AM

    I think she is also one for calling the paps every time she leaves her front door.

  6. lila fowler3:10 AM

    Pretty much everyone looks better than her. There is California Casual, and then there is California Slob.

  7. Derek's Anal Beads4:57 AM


  8. penelope6:05 AM

    This sounds like the complaint of a mom at the school who was trying to sneak into some pap pics.

  9. Winnie6:46 AM

    That's what I was thinking, penelope. How does anyone know what she's thinking? I don't think she'd go around telling people she doesn't want to be upstaged by the other moms.

  10. well, she has a big interesting shaped ears....

  11. Allie9:14 AM

    Garner is a snore fest. She dresses so frumpy and blah! I can't believe Ben stayed with her as long as he did. Karma for her leaving the gorgeous Scott Foley and then cheating on her co star on Alias. She seems like a nag too. I avoid her movies at all costs. She needs to realize she's not the "IT" girl anymore.

  12. Candy Stripers Collective10:04 AM

    Now why would you wanna insult us like that, @Pink?

    (Garner seriously thought she would win an Oscar for her role in DBC. Doogie Howzer was a more convincing doctor.)

  13. Mrs.K.10:59 AM

    Moms at her childrens' school must be really hot then since she looks like a frumpy bored housewife most of the time.

  14. Agree, a mon named Matt Damon. Until Ben can find a way to fix his pr problem, his wife will be disparaged, let by Damon and who knows who else.

    I'm so off Damon now, I'm seriously thinking of not downloading his new movie.

  15. a "mom" named Matt Damon

  16. texasrose12:03 PM

    "Who knew she was quite so image conscious?" - are you kidding with this statement????

  17. That's embarrassing of her. Her poor kids are surrounded by unhealthy behaviors. Egos, Lies, and self-serving decisions in abundance. (That goes for the majority of celebrity offspring, this couple gets a lot of attention through the different stages of it.)
