Sunday, May 01, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 25, 2014

This B list mostly television actress from a long running hit show that seemed to go on forever on an almost network has network show now and is doing press. When she stopped by the set of one talk show, the married actor turned host who interviewed her kept commenting on her breasts to the point where the actress borrowed a sweater to wear until the interview started. She has dealt with creepy before but she said with this guy that she almost felt violated.

Sophia Bush/Mario Lopez


  1. award041:55 AM

    Not surprised. I don't think his wife cares. She knew how he was before she married him. He's trying to make her famous by bringing her on the show all the time.

  2. One of the surprises of life, is the fact that Mario Lopez is straight. I always forget and assume he is gay

  3. June Gordon3:12 AM

    Sofia Honey:

    Given how narassistic that idiot is, I am sure he was talking about his OWN breasts!

  4. AndrewBW10:15 AM

    Why does Mario Lopez still have a job? Does he have any audience at all?

  5. I wonder if he's still friends with Eva Longoria

  6. texasrose12:26 PM

    Did she sleep with him after the interview? Finish the blind.

  7. Penelope23:22 AM

    I never got his appeal. Does he draw viewers?
