Monday, May 30, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 15, 2016

This foreign born B list mostly movie actress usually sticks to period pieces. Some would say her peak fame days are behind her but don’t tell her that. Despite working on a movie right now with several A+ listers, our B lister requires 24 hour security while shooting. She doesn’t have it when not making movies, but it makes her feel important so she makes it a contract point.

Keira Knightley


  1. Derek Harvey1:13 AM

    Nailed it

  2. So what? Let her feel important.

  3. Ms. Anne Thrope1:27 AM

    I guess this was that douche John Carney's awful, misogynistic comments about Keira being a bad actress, etc. on Begin Again. He seems like a real peach **rolls eyes**.

  4. Ms. Anne Thrope1:27 AM

    let's put it this way, John Carney loved Adam Levine. Like goes to like/birds of a feather, etc.

  5. Derek's Thong1:40 AM


  6. Two sides to every story....I've heard plenty of "peachy" things about her, too

  7. Zilla11:50 AM

    I didn't see anything wrong with anything Carney said. For some reason, KK had a a large entourage on the Begin Again set, which he said no one else had, which Carney said was interrupting production. He said she couldn't get the hang of playing an instrument or at least pretending that she could play one, when her role was that of a musician, and he called her a movie star as opposed to a film actor, which infers that she had a certain unprofessional attitude that he didn't find in other actors on that project.

    It may start to come out that he isn't the only one that has had these kinds of problems with Keira.

  8. Ms. Anne Thrope1:52 AM

    If he felt so strongly, maybe he should've addressed it at the time instead of waiting 2 years and talking about it while he was promoting a new movie. Zero class and ZERO guts.

  9. I read the article and I took it completely sounded like he liked Adam and Mark because they were 1) Professional 2) On time to set 3) Came prepared to the set 4) did NOT have an entourage 5) didn't act pretentious and 6) did NOT act like a diva.

    Gotta say, as a boss....I would prefer an employee w/ NO degree but w/ an amazing work ethic over someone w/ a phd who thinks they are hot shit.

  10. I agree. I read the article and took it to mean she did NOT come prepared at all and didn't have a good work ethic and basically kinda phoned it in. As a director, that would piss me off too.

  11. TopperMadison3:05 AM

    Her best days are behind her?? Jeebus. Washed up at 30.

  12. TopperMadison3:22 AM

    I read a couple of articles on his comments, and for him to completely dismiss her volume of acting work and dismiss her as a "supermodel" is sexist and smacks strongly of a sexually frustrated schoolboy who was rejected by the homecoming queen.

    He says he doesn't think he'll ever choose to work with her again. I don't think he has to worry about that scenario ever presenting itself.

  13. @ Ms. Anne Thorpe - Sounded to me like he had a personal grudge against her. Wonder if he hit on her during filming & she told him to get bent? Gawd knows rejection causes guys to talk ALL kinds of smack about women.

  14. Guesser4:52 AM

    I think with this type of movie actors are expected to leave their egos at the door otherwise everyone would try to out do each other. It's a quick, easy, big pay check and they need to act accordingly.

  15. Guesser4:55 AM

    Almost forgot, didn't she have a stalker? Maybe that's why so much security , easy to find someone on a film set.

  16. James6:51 AM

    Keira is yesterdays news in steps Daisy Ridley q

  17. Penelope26:57 AM

    I don't think her best days are behind her, but I did always find it weird that she played a married love interest at 18 years old. Why would a girl be married at 18 and caught in a love triangle already? I hate how movies portray women. A dude married at 18 would have gotten a backlash, not seen as romantic.

  18. lemon swizzle7:12 AM

    I really enjoyed BEGIN AGAIN, and thought KK was great in it.

  19. Rudiruled10:47 AM

    I'm a musician and I absolutely hate seeing ignorant "actors" pretending to know how to handle a musical instrument.Put some work into it or just leave it alone.
    That being said, I haven't seen that movie yet and have no idea how KK was doing. Though from the director's account I'd probably would have wanted to trash my tv. I never got her appeal anyway...
    Please hire musicians to play musicians. I'm sure there are enough around there..

  20. oh. no.11:06 AM

    Gee .. I WONDER ???? Isn't he really just publicly complaining that two years ago Keira Knightly knocked him back.

  21. oh. no.11:09 AM

    I'm not a big KK fan, but when a man festers way for two years and sounds like he carries a grudge, then he has an offended ego and it likely has little to do with work ethic.

  22. oh. no.11:09 AM


  23. Claire11:10 AM

    I agree. For some reason I found his "supermodel" comments most offensive. I guess it's because he's totally dismissing her successful career as an actress. Maybe she was a pain on set. Maybe she didn't "get" her role completely, but to entirely dismiss her as an actress was rude and his choice of wording was sexist.

  24. Claire11:11 AM

    Problem is, most musicians are not actors. Would you rather see a good musician in a movie or someone who can actually act? If I want music, I listen to music. If I want to see a story portrayed by people who know how to act, I watch a movie.

  25. @ - Maybe. If casting/production started 2 yrs. ago, maybe there were some blinds posted shortly after regarding it?
    I don't have a good memory regarding such things - sorry. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  26. lilphantomravioli1:02 PM

    +1 to both you and Topper. His comments were out of line (not to mention unprofessional) for precisely these reasons.

  27. ho ho1:03 PM

    my take exactly. what a disappointing comment.

  28. @ - Well, *this* is interesting:
