Thursday, May 26, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 22, 2016

This B list mostly movie actress is from an acting family that has no one who does any acting any longer except for her. She was ticked off at a recent talk show appearance because when she was outside walking to the show, no one recognized her. I guess she had been expecting the same rock star type welcome another actor received when he showed up a few minutes earlier to do the same walk.

Elizabeth Olsen/Harrison Ford


  1. Kno Won Uno1:31 AM

    Maybe she should have a career as long as his and *star* in as many respected films before she has a tantrum.

  2. Just4Fun1:51 AM

    Ah - the entitlement of a 20-something. "But my sisters are really famous!"

  3. Groaning2:19 AM

    Elizabeth Olsen is only famous because of who she is related to. Otherwise no one would have cast her, she is very unfortunate looking.

  4. Another one who is cute, and good in indies, but just plays herself in every single role.

  5. Zilla12:34 AM

    Blandy McBlandbland.

  6. Foolmt2:51 AM

    Pretty funny that the web ads that popped up here are anti Ron Miscavige and pro Scientology.

  7. Laura Palmer3:15 AM

    Weird, on mine the ads are for beastiality sites and female condoms!

  8. Maybe noone recognized her,BC she was dressed like a hobo!

  9. back again4:52 AM

    hmmmm, i think she's cute.

  10. James4:56 AM

    That bitch is deluded is she the middle Olsen or oldest one and other than that I have no idea who she is

  11. MeMyselfandI5:08 AM

    Ummmm, her troll looking sisters are the unfortunate looking ones




    Even her sisters are NO Harrison Ford. He is a living legend. I think as of right now he's the second highest grossing actor alive. He's been in the business for around 40yrs. When this twat can say the same she is entitled to the same respect he gets. Until then her entitled ass can take several dozen seats. She's definitely nothing special. Not even remotely close. I'll be seriously SHOCKED if she has a fifth of the career he's had.

  13. She's the younger sister of the twins. She literally ONLY has a career because of who her sisters are.

  14. AdGirl7:25 AM

    She's no one special, but let's be clear: when Harrison Ford is there, everyone else is playing for second (*wink*)

  15. Mooshki4:22 PM

    He's #1 now. The new Star Wars helped him knock Samuel L. Jackson off the throne.

  16. I knew he was either #1 or #2. That's pretty damn impressive.
