Sunday, May 22, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 22, 2016

This former A+ list singer who is probably a permanent A lister at this point even though she doesn’t sing has an alternate personality. Apparently she calls herself Norma Jean and takes on the personality and characteristics of Marilyn Monroe. It just suddenly turns on and can last a minute or a day. It has not happened during a show, but did happen an hour before a show but only lasted about ten minutes.

Britney Spears


  1. Alabama1:12 AM


  2. Honeybunny1:34 AM

    Poor baby. She'll probably never be right. SMH

  3. Derek Harvey1:56 AM

    Whatever gets her through those mundane days, I suppose...

  4. Derek's Thong2:04 AM


  5. Sarah2:10 AM

    I wonder if she has been diagnosed w borderline personality disorder? I feel bad for her, so talented but her dad and manager should let her retire and live in peace with her kids....

  6. Britney Spears blinds are so boring. It's common fucking knowledge at this point that she's a loon.

  7. she is showing signs of schizophrenic behavior

  8. LauraOK3:17 AM

    Agree, David -- this sounds more schizophrenic than bipolar. No wonder she has a lifetime conservatorship. Not sure you'd have a "lifetime" one for having bipolar, but you easily would for schizophrenia.

  9. hothotheat3:35 AM

    This sounds more like disassociative disorder (multiple personality disorder). She's definitely got some serious mental issues to contend with.

  10. She's been enslaved. This "lifetime conservatorship" is just her father working her for the money. She's either able to work and live independently, or she's sick and needs help. But right now she's enslaved.

  11. Guesser3:59 AM

    Why people think someone with mental illness is better off doing nothing is beyond me. Left to her own devices a lot of money and too much free time, she and her children would be in danger. Again, someone with severe mental illness you're lucky if you can get them to bathe and brush their teeth. Performing is probably something that gives her a sense of being normal. If she were in another profession you wouldn't tell her not to do anything. I believed all along she was schizophrenic, but bipolar disorder is more acceptable to the public.

  12. Studio545:46 AM

    She needs to retire ASAP, before she shows her schizophrenia onstage, in front of the entire world that has cameras to record it.

    I'm sure the parents are burned out AND addicted to the money of her working, BUT, they couldn't pawn her off, I mean MARRY her off onto anyone else, she can't take care of herself, and no one else can watch her, witness when she was with Lufti,

  13. Hillary Clinton6:30 AM

    I'd willingly have a threesome with her and Pol Pot.

  14. Patrick6:38 AM

    Yep. She has to be watched, every hour of every day. She can never be left alone with those kids. Ever. She might as well be performing and earning money for her family. Keep in mind that most of that money will go towards trust funds for her kids that will pay for college, or pay for them to pursue their dreams. A lot will go towards the 24/7 care she'll need for the next several decades. Its not as if she'd be on some farm, just whiling away the days. The farm would have to be fenced in. Britney must be kept in a cage, or she would harm herself and possibly others. The cage is as nice as it can be, and she probably feels good performing for her fans.

  15. Kibble7:14 AM

    She also has the British personality.

  16. +1 I should have looked it up before just stating schizophrenia.

    Also, I like seeing more people understanding that just because your brain is misfiring, doesn't mean your weak or odd.

    When a person sprains a muscle or ligament, that doesn't mean they are forever lame and should have that leg or arm cut off.

    Britney's brain is probably just misfiring -- or as a psychiatrist once explained to me about my daughter, she has a miss wired brain.
    (Our daughter suffers from BPD.)

  17. Guesser7:29 AM

    Hopefully there will be progress made in the treatment of this disease so one day she can be free, free of the disease that enslaves her much more than her family does.It should also be stated that the court and medical experts make the decisions on pay and treatment,I have yet to hear of a fight over either in her family like I have in many other cases, both famous and not famous.

  18. Malibuborebee7:30 AM

    Got room
    For a fourth?

  19. Laura Palmer8:37 AM

    So what if she acted out her other personality on stage? Her fans love her no matter what... so what if she turns into Norma Jean on stage? and besides Norma was so sweet...leave Britney alone.

    On that note make Lindsay Lohan stop her delusional Marilyn obsession...which is truly ridiculous as she couldn't do Marilyn with a head transplant .

  20. I agree, it sounds to me like multiple personality disorder. I remember whenever she donned that pink wig, she turned into another person and had plenty of witnesses.

  21. bush bunny8:46 AM

    As a strong believer in reincarnation, who are we to say she ISN'T the late, great Marilyn Monroe? If she is, at least Marilyn got her wish to be a mom. I now await the tsunami of hate coming my way via the old favorites on this site. Am I not entitled to my opinion?

  22. It sounds like multiple personality disorder to me, too. People always call it schizophrenia, which is something else altogether. I remember when she used to wear that pink wig and become another person, and there were plenty of witnesses.

  23. shakey9:28 AM

    Whatever Britney has, I'd bet good money that Derek has the same diagnosis for making up all of these trolls for attention.

  24. Malibuborebee9:28 AM

    Oh Jesus Christ shut up

  25. Laura Palmer9:57 AM

    Britney actually resembles Marilyn, her heart shaped face etc...I would love to see her as Marilyn...she might be Marilyn as she sells the same genre is a massive star and suffers from mental illness...who knows...Norma longed to be taken seriously but could not hold together...she wanted a father figure...look at Britney...thank god for her father...although he could make her life so much nicer...

    But anywAy...word ! She will be on the billboard music award in 5 minutes!

  26. Are you nuts? Shit like this is exactly why Britney can NEVER be "freed" from her conservatorship.

  27. Aaaaand there goes the "Open-Mindedness and Understanding about Mental Health Issues" portion of the comments...

  28. Clearly not!

  29. Laura Palmer10:10 AM

    She fucking killed.

  30. Malibuborebee10:58 AM

    So you're impersonating me now, trollina?

    You're such a pointless, dumb bitch. How long are you planning on throwing this tantrum, dear? Your parents must be so proud.

  31. Malibuborebee10:59 AM

    Oh for fuck's sake, trollina - you can't even copy me right in a one-liner? Weak.

  32. Malibuborebee11:07 AM

    I don't know why some of you are all "Oh she must love working all the time, what else would she do?" Don't you remember the stories of her not wanting to perform? Brit was supposedly crying and begging whomever (her dad?) not to make her go out and perform. There are stories about ugly scenes backstage in Vegas and Brit-doubles being used on-stage. You haven't been hearing/reading any of this? It's been going around for quite a while.

    I think both of her parents have a lot to answer for. She has "re-built" her fortune many times over since her father took conservatorship. She's set for life. Her kids trust funds are set for life. Kfed and his girlfriends are set for life. Her parents are set for life. She doesn't have to be a performing monkey for the money.

  33. Guesser11:13 AM

    I would have hoped Marilyn could come back without the mental illness. Having said that, Britney does have some of the same endearing qualities as Marilyn that make her problems more tolerable to others.

  34. Guesser11:31 AM

    Britney is not a trained monkey. Her Family answers to the court. Her acting up could easily be considered normal behavior, and maybe sometimes she does need time off like anyone else. Everything she says or does is tainted by her illness , which is constantly evaluated. If her family wasn't doing this the comments would be why aren't they doing anything.

  35. The other question is how did she get that way in the first place? Who did what to her to cause her to snap--I'd bet that's what's behind this, and it wasn't a chemical thing. Poor Britney. What must she have endured to end up like this?

  36. Laura Palmer12:34 PM

    Schizophrenia usually shows up in the late twenties...I think her break with Justin was a two cents.

  37. oh. no.3:18 PM

    You're so right. That sense of purpose would be a huge anchor for her.

  38. Guesser3:20 PM

    Britney's Grandmother was mentally ill and killed herself.Britney was a Disney star and who knows what happened then. She self medicated, making her condition worse. There had been rumors of a sexual assault while she was on drugs.

  39. HeyPussy8:41 PM

    Smacks of monarch mind control - beta sex kitten mode ????

  40. Sounds like MKULTRA to me..#ignoranceisbliss

    YES HeyPussy!!

  41. Claire5:41 PM

    And no one called Beyonce schizo for her alternate personality, Sasha Fierce!

  42. Claire5:44 PM

    THE COURTS ruled that Britney's problem was massive drug abuse. That is most likely because of her mental illness, as many people will mental illness use drugs to cope, but unless she chooses to reveal any other diagnosis, all of our speculations are just that, speculations.

  43. Bubbalicious7:30 PM

    Yep, probably beta kitten programming/MK Ultra crap. Google it.

  44. And we all know the court verdict is always the truth..ffs

  45. hoo boy2:41 AM

    K-Fed must be livin' the dream. Tennesse studding for women and not having to work for a living.

  46. sadie5:51 AM

    Oh my goodness, these alters of hers have been PROGRAMMED into her. PROJECT MONARCH! beta kittens. please, marilyn programming is part of her DIAMOND/BETA programming! they all have it!!!??!?!

  47. Mrs.K.7:25 AM

    Mental illness runs in Britney's family. Norma Jean is harmless enough. Let her do whatever she wants. If I looked and danced as well as Britney whilst having mental issues I say bring it on. Go BritBrit! We love all your personalities!

  48. Doesn't the wording of this confirm Brittany is that famous blind about the singer who has been dubbed their whole career? MV I think? A list singer even though she doesn't sing?

  49. ChickenNuggets3:20 PM

    I guess we won't know until one of her son's writes a tell-all book.
