Thursday, May 19, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 6, 2016

I wonder why all the mea cupla stories being flooded by this former A list mostly movie actress and her PR team all manage to skip the whole cheating thing she did which caused her divorce. Just going to sweep that right under the rug.

Drew Barrymore


  1. Derek's Anal Beads1:19 AM

    Elle B. nailed it. *thumbs up*

  2. Kno Won Uno1:24 AM

    Or maybe it's just you who's driven insane by the word "CHEAT", Enty.
    If you don't live in their house, you have no idea what goes on between two people...unless you CHEAT.
    Are you a CHEATER? A filthy, scumbag CHEATER who gets information dishonestly? OMFG - your CHEATER obsession is just self-loathing!

  3. Well. Did not Enty said that he cannot get girls? So, if true, he probably cheated on "lefty" with "righty".

  4. Kno Won Uno1:37 AM

    Does his mother count?

  5. So funny! :-)
    Why the Enty bashing?
    Maybe he'll block some of you (for bashing him) and the site would be better.

  6. mariaj2:38 AM

    What, cheating is not a gossip worthy thing anymore?

  7. mariaj2:42 AM

    + 1 this site is becoming hard to read for this costant Enty bashing.

    He report of a cheating, that has ALWAYS been gossip issue, and suddenly he becomes obsessed with cheating.

    And i DO like read the comments, but lately they are driving me away, always saying the same things over and over.

  8. Sharon3:23 AM

    No one believes Enty's blinds - they're either made up or a thinly disguised retelling of stories on the Daily Mail website. That's why he gets mocked.

  9. Cherry3:31 AM

    If you hate Enty, why do you come to his website and bitch about his posts?

    I don't like Perez Hilton and so I stay away from his website.

  10. Cherry3:32 AM

    So why come to his website?

  11. nancer3:35 AM

    seriously, i don't get why anyone comes here day after day if the writer irritates them so much. is it cathartic to chastise and berate someone every day who takes the time to put this thing together? does it make you feel superior or something?

    start your own damn blogs.

  12. Just Saying3:49 AM

    Your preaching and moralizing is getting tiresome. You are about to start receiving the NAILED IT treatment for being a bore. Sorry all this gossip can't be about your Disney favs.

  13. Just Saying3:51 AM

    You know, I think you were someone that was run off the old CDAN site by the other posters

  14. Just Saying3:53 AM

    +10000000000000 to all the posters that took the CDAN hater to task. I think this person was run off from CDAN before the switch.

  15. krist3:53 AM

    Plus 1 nancer

  16. Derek's Thong3:54 AM


  17. @Just Saying Did you just admitted that you are that troll who keep on being obsessive about Derek or something?

  18. You do know that THAT are assumptions, right? Oh. The most of us (like me) are ACTUALLY from those days when it was the old CDAN site.

  19. Probably. And his dog. ;)

  20. Just Saying4:23 AM

    Me: Notice I said "I think". And, I've been around since long before the Timmy/Shimmy days.

  21. TopperMadison4:27 AM

    What the hell is going on here today? It's like a schizophrenic has hijacked the comment section. It reads as if only one person is posting here with both sides of the arguments.

  22. I have no idea what is going on.

  23. mariaj5:50 AM

    Exactly, and not just one, two, three times, but they are always here, and they don't seem to realize they look like real idiots to spend so much time on a site they hate.

  24. Kno Won Uno5:58 AM

    I'm confused, too...because I hate Disney shit.

  25. Kno Won Uno6:00 AM

    Yes, I believe you're right.

  26. Sarah6:48 AM

    Good call on Perez Hilton. He is disgusting- have not been on his site in years. Entry is a fun site- trolls go else where?!

  27. Derek Harvey7:38 AM

    lol---good one : )

    These people drive me crazy...I swear...They think they are SO SMART yet ALWAYS get caught in some sort of lie etc

  28. Derek Harvey7:41 AM

    Fuck you, C UNT. Who do you think you are? Some dumb troll--thats who.

  29. w/ U about perez hilton....
    his commenters REALLY hate him, use a totally gutter level of language (not a mild jk)....

  30. Derek Harvey7:45 AM

    and that gives you the right to be an asshole troll? If you don't like other peoples comments and they are NOT directed at you---you can SKIP OVER THEM. How pathetic to brag about being the head honcho leader of the pack on a GOSSIP SITE. You must have a very fulfilling life...

  31. Laura Palmer10:03 AM

    Cheaty, cheat there!

  32. AM

    everyone knows enty is full of shit ...and so f-ing what if drew strayed elsewhere ....her ex-hubby's probably worse
    no doubt he either
    A: strayed himself or
    B: failed to lived upto his husband duties .
    either way drew will always be one of my all time favourite celebrities.

  33. Mrs.K.10:49 AM

    Too many trolls these days. :(
    So is Drew on the lookout for husband nr.4 yet?!
    Dont have babies if you cant control your own urges. Growing up in a broken home is not fun.

  34. Liesa Minelli4:14 AM

    I hate Perez too.
