Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Blind Item #8

This A-/B+ list mostly television actress who works for the same boss on multiple cable projects cheated on her girlfriend for a night with this A- list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee.


  1. Derek Harvey1:46 AM

    sarah paulson and

  2. Derek Harvey1:46 AM

    jody foster?

  3. Derek Harvey1:47 AM

    gf being Cherry Jones

  4. Derek Harvey1:48 AM

    her gf is actually Holland Taylor

  5. Kno Won Uno1:48 AM

    She might be categorized as a director - but it depends who's typing.
    Hey, Paulson - this sucks.

  6. Derek Harvey1:50 AM

    actually I think is is Sarah P and Jessica Chastain

    Jessica Chastain and Sarah Paulson support revival of Long Day's ...
    Daily Mail-Apr 27, 2016
    Jessica Chastain and Sarah Paulson were among the first night audience to see Jessica Lange and Gabriel Byrne perform in Eugene O'Neill's ...

  7. Kno Won Uno1:53 AM

    Which is why it sucks - because she made this relationship everyone's business, everyone was charmed by it & now she's being an asshat.

  8. Last month, you hinted she has cheated with a new PA. Given that Sarah Paulson and Holland Taylor are mostly inseperable, it would be pretty difficult. Look at their Twitter accounts ffs, they've been in London for two weeks

  9. You actually believe this crap?

    This is a website that tried to titillate that SP and HT were a couple when anyone who looks at their Twitter accounts could have told you for months.

  10. Kno Won Uno2:50 AM

    I'm extra stupid, though. That's why I read here.

  11. Sadie2:57 AM

    Holland Taylor is on a very long, nationwide tour with the Ann Richards play ( I saw it, she's excellent), so I imagine they have long separations.

  12. WonderBoy3:21 AM

    No surprise. You can always see her grabbing people's tits and butts at events.

  13. boggle3:21 AM

    chastain isnt 'mostly movie' - she is strictly movies.

  14. Malibuborebee4:37 AM

    Chastain isn't strictly movies, she does theater work too.

  15. Malibuborebee4:39 AM

    I have never been able to stand Sarah Paulson and the way she treated Cherry Jones is the way she's treating Holland Taylor.

    She's a serial cheater and a lesbian Eve Harrington.

  16. Sarah is bi, not a lesbian

  17. Sarah is bi, not a lesbian.

  18. Sarah is with Holland Taylor currently and the BI does not specifically say "lesbian" or "bisexual" actress.

  19. If Jessica Chastain really is into women, I hope that she comes out someday. To spend your entire life in the closet sounds too tragic.

  20. "She’s a serial cheater and a lesbian Eve Harrington."

    Eve Harrington _was_ a lesbian character ;)
