Thursday, May 05, 2016

Blind Item #7

This talk show sidekick has had a noticeable change in behavior the past few weeks and has been hard to work with and even trying to push the host aside which is never a good thing. One of the crew thinks it is booze.


  1. Elle B1:36 AM


  2. Lurky McLurkster1:38 AM

    Ed McMahon

  3. Kno Won Uno1:40 AM

    Drunk Ghosts are a pain in the ass to work with, I hear.

  4. Kno Won Uno1:45 AM

    Steve Higgins/Fallon

  5. Salaam1:45 AM

    When he showed up at my door yesterday, I thought I won the Publishers Clearinghouse Giveaway - sadly, he was only looking to borrow a cup of gin.

  6. Kno Won Uno1:47 AM

    (I'll be by later for a cup of vodka)

  7. Guesser1:51 AM

    Maybe trying to divert attention from Fallon's drinking and drugging? Someone put this out there because who really cares about a host's sidekick?

  8. Stephie1:59 AM

    Seth Meyers' sidekick Fred Armison

  9. Spaceghost. Coast to Coast.

  10. Kno Won Uno2:15 AM

    It looks like it. Maybe he'll be falling all over Manhattan & getting stitches by next week.

  11. sandybrook2:17 AM

    Andy Richter

  12. Zilla12:19 AM


  13. Cindy2:35 AM

    This was the only sidekick I could name so +1 lol

  14. Guesser2:50 AM

    This might be it, I think he might be the only sidekick who is better known than the host.

  15. Sadie2:57 AM

    Definitely Higgins. He's a lot wittier than Fallon and you can tell he's sometimes seething at being second banana.

  16. True.
    See Andy Richter.

  17. Sharper Teeth3:14 AM

    Zorak always trying to hog the spotlight. smh.

  18. Fred Armison is the only 1 that would have a legit chance of taking over the show they're currently on. Higgins isn't insane enough to think he'd be able to get the Tonight Show. Seth Meyers' show hasn't done great in the ratings & Fred has shown he can be successful writing & performing. He does music, he does sketches, he does standup. I don't care for him myself, but Seth can sit and tell stories or jokes and that's about it.

  19. TopperMadison4:04 AM

    I just want to go on record saying that my dream gig is to be a night time talk show's sidekick. You get all the rewards and none of the responsibility. Sign me up!

  20. ellie5:39 AM

    +1000! If the show flops, it ultimately wasn't your fault :P

  21. I work on the show that this is about. I know this because it's been totally obvious to lots of crew over the past couple of months and a coworker joked she was going to submit a blind item last week..... Unless there's another late night show with the same issue. I do see our sidekick mentioned in these comments though and I noticed people are saying "oh Fred Armisen is the only one popular enough to be a replacement"....first, I dont work on Seth Meyers show. Maybe Armisen is doing the same but our sidekick doesnt seem to be trying to replace the host at all, he's just being obnoxious a lot lately off camera and especially on, talking over our host and stuff like that.

  22. Studio549:40 AM

    For J and Enty, I'm thankful for the good people that come forward with blinds that care about the individual, and they don't want to see them end up like Prince, Michael, Whitney, et. al. How many people sat by and did nothing why those people were going downhill? When Bobby Brown's sister went to the Enquirer with that damning photo of Whitney's crack bathroom, the uproar was so huge, Whitney HAD to go to rehab and get her act together. THAT'S what prompted it. I don't care if the source just came forward for the money, that picture gave Whitney some extra time alive because she had to confront what was killing her, at least, for a while. If Britney Spears parents had not intervened, she could not have lived much longer the way she was going. Sounding the alarm is the right thing to do, IMO.

  23. Elle B11:09 AM

    I just realize this could be reggie watts

  24. Purbear12:04 PM

    Fred is only on Seth's show about 1/2 the time, and he hasn't been on lately.

  25. LaBomba1:19 PM


  26. Thanks4:32 PM

    Yeah he's been talking over Fallon lately, and he thinks he's repeating the mild joke made when he received attention five minutes prior. It definitely seems like booze. I'm a little obnoxious when I drink so I have sympathy. But Jimmy doesn't seem to be able to pull the conversation back on track the way Letterman could.

  27. Thanks4:33 PM

    He thinks "he's really funny"*** repeating the mild joke made five minutes prior. Sorry for the wording
