Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Blind Item #7

The mushroom loving actress who was recently the subject of a Lainey blind is engaged to a guy who might like women but definitely likes guys too. I remember back in the day when he hooked up with one of the brothers from that pop music family.


  1. ElleBell2:19 AM

    Brie Larson engaged to Alex Greenwald. Nick Jonas

  2. Did he fuck a Hanson Brother?

  3. Better a Hanson than a Hudson!

  4. brie larson's closeted fiance
    girl, seriously falling for this dude's hetero act? I knew he was gay when I saw him on tv with you!

  5. So what are we saying here Enty? That bi guys can't fall in love with a woman and actually want to marry her?

  6. hothotheat8:48 AM

    OMG, I got this joke. Now I feel old.

  7. Hot Cola12:31 PM

    Good point @Ok

  8. Malibuborebee11:12 AM

    Depends on your opinion of being "bi" and whether that's actually real or a cowardly tactic taken by those who refuse to sack up and be who they are.

    Bisexuals are usually gay and can't admit it to themselves or anyone else.
