Friday, May 27, 2016

Blind Item #5

This couple already has more money than they could ever spend. Therefore, what they did was kind of shocking. Plus, outwardly they always seem so nice. She had a bunch of hits back in the day with a group although, lets face it, the group was a name only, it was all her. Anyway, she was putting on a concert for charity which is nice. The idea was to also give away a bunch of free tickets to the people the charity was helping. The thing is though, it would have cut into the fee of our singer. So, they kept all the ticket prices as is and gave nothing away to the people they were supposed to be helping.


  1. javaj7712:54 AM

    Bey and Jay

  2. Except they raised money for people the charity is helping, right? Did I miss something?

  3. lila fowler1:02 AM

    I'm going to place the lion's share of blame for this on him because she is a straight up 'tard and doesn't know what's going on most of the time. Total half-wit.

  4. So how much money for charity would a Beyonce concert raise anyway? I mean, yet Enty's bitching anyway.

  5. Zilla11:04 AM

    Beyonce and jay z

  6. Derek Harvey1:13 AM

    I dont think it is Bey and Jay
    No one thinks they are "nice"
    she is known more for her solo then back in the day hits

    I am going to guess Kandi Burruss--she wrote most of the songs for her old band Xscape and her nad Todd seem nice-and they are very rich---not a great guess cause I cant find any evidence to back it up but it is all I got

  7. Zilla11:17 AM

    Except neither seems outwardly nice.

  8. Kno Won Uno1:17 AM

    "No one thinks they are “nice” " + infinity

  9. Ettacettera1:23 AM

    I thought the point was to give up your fee and claim that as your contribution (deductible, so gets it anyway)..the way this is written, the people buying tickets are giving, and she's just giving regular concert...may not even be them (sez they're always so nice...)

  10. lemon swizzle1:32 AM

    Infinity plus 1.

    I posted somewhere on here yesterday that I can't even read Lainey Gossip anymore because of her slobbering Beyonce adoration. Jesus, give it a rest.

    Also, wasn't there a blind here once heavily implying that they'd had their surrogate knocked off?

  11. She can do a fake smile from time to time, but no one on Earth would call Jay Z outwardly nice. I don't think there's a nice bone in that man's body.

  12. Kibble3:42 AM

    @lemon swizz IKR?!! Lainey and her site jumped the shark awhile back and all of her Bey-Worship is beyond ridiculous. She treats Bey like some mad wizard marketing genius, which we all know isn't remotely true, she's a puppet on a string.

  13. TopperMadison3:46 AM

    I call B.S. on this. I've worked in non-profit fundraising events for over a decade, and free tickets to charity recipients are part of the budget expenses. They have nothing to do with whatever fees are paid to performers.

    I'm stumped for the performer, though...Belinda Carlisle?

  14. James6:54 AM

    I thought the charity was their back pockets

  15. Shalene8:11 AM

    Agree. Him and his pyramid posers.

  16. marlo3:20 PM

    Yeah Ble, you might be missing some braincells, if you believe that.
