Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Blind Item #5

The family of this recently dumped teen are exploring all options to either sue the A- list superhero who dumped her or at least spill enough dirt about him to make some money off the split.


  1. Derek Harvey12:45 AM

    henry cavills ex

  2. Derek Harvey12:46 AM

    tara king

  3. Kno Won Uno12:48 AM

    Definitely, but WTF are they suing him for?

  4. Derek Harvey12:50 AM

    money? lol

  5. Sour Grapes, much?

  6. Breaking her heart? :)

    Could there be a possibility that she was cheated on and then dumped as if she was an object?

  7. NonyaBidness1:12 AM

    I would imagine that his peeps would have had her sign an NDA - isn't that standard?

  8. Kno Won Uno1:25 AM

    It's hard to believe a person can actually sue for something like that in 2016. If this was the 19th century, maybe a breach of promise suit, but aside from that...this should be interesting.

  9. Khaleesi1:37 AM

    maybe he gave her herpes.

  10. wasn't she a minor? Like 17 when it started?

  11. Ettacettera1:45 AM

    Most aren't worth anything..only for employees because there has to be compensation to comply..so unless contract sez he paid her or promised gifts it's not valid..both parties have to get something

  12. Nothing is going to come out, before Henry and his people allow that, her and her family will be paid off. And isn't that what this whole arrangement was? She got her face on a couple of magazines and once he sent her packing, her and her family will get money to keep their mouths shut. I like Cavill but I can't get a read on him. Are these girls beards or does he really have poor taste in women? I just don't know.

  13. Adoniza1:58 AM

    He comes across as a nice dude but he's very dumb. I've been hearing rumors about him being gay for years, but I'm not sure. All his girlfriends kinda look like wrestlers, lol, he clearly has a type. This relationship was pure PR though, just to parade someone at the premiere of his last movie. But it totally backfired. A 19 year old...He should get some new PR people.

  14. Louise2:06 AM

    Can you sue someone for ending a relationship?!

  15. Guesser2:19 AM

    If it's a contract. I notice if the girlfriend is famous in her own right, nobody cares how young they are.

  16. LauraOK2:23 AM

    There's a blind on BG that most commenters guessed as Cavill...says something like "this newly single actor...has Herpes Simplex 2" - So, they could be suing for $ = silence about that. Even if the girl signed an NDA, her family likely didn't, because you just can't silence everyone.

  17. bush bunny2:38 AM

    If she was a wirgin when she met him and he gave her herpes, she is damaged goods for life. She has every right to sue if she didn't know he was infected. If this is true, they will settle out of court for major bucks. Sad news is, money or not, she still has the STD.

  18. Matt C2:40 AM


  19. longtimereader3:15 AM

    Good looking and not that talented, i think i can guess how he got that fame...

  20. I will never believe these chicks arent beards. Cavill was gay before he was famous and he still is, just closeted now.

  21. Zilla13:35 AM

    She's 19 and they weren't dating for that long.

  22. Hot Cola7:26 AM

    Spil the dirt! Spil the dirt!

  23. WTH? That's not a blind Enty. LOL

  24. Juliet9:04 AM

    The girl was not a Virgin - far from it - maybe he ended the contract before the negotiated time frame?

  25. Trannybel9:19 AM

    A List?
    Sure Jan

  26. Stacey2:53 PM

    I hope Cavill's legal team tie up that money hungry family in court for a long time.

  27. amber6:01 AM

    can only be the creepy, bald, no talented, pathetic, dumb, herpes man, pervert, dork, fat, really mediocre actor, (works only for the money and not for the art!) ,ridicolous ,fleeting, wackadoo,
    paedo Cavill !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. amber6:39 AM

    B or actually Z- list actor i would say......................

  29. Zilla17:24 AM

    What, did he reject you or something?

  30. emeraldcity5:49 PM

    Maybe he gave her an STD and that's where the suing comes in. Big payout coming.

  31. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh .........................................................................................................
    who’s gonna protect him now ?
