Saturday, May 07, 2016

Blind Item #4

This A list reality star with a side gig didn't know it at the time, but she was carrying some drugs in her purse belonging to the boyfriend of one of her best friends. The boyfriend slipped it in the bag when he thought they might be searched going into a club. Nice guy to leave her holding the bag so to speak.


  1. sandybrook2:57 AM

    Gigi Hadid

  2. Could Be?

  3. sandybrook3:08 AM

    My bad, I didnt think the KTrash had friends

  4. Kendall jenner.gigi the friend and zayn the bf

  5. That's her story and she's sticking to it.

  6. And-so-on..4:03 AM

    Cuban drug and human trafficking is on the rise.. does anyone of any ethical sense support this.. open travel to go there before the cruel Nation stops harming and enslaving their countrymen.. Too quick we encourage them to accept travelers.. why not drugs from..Cuba.. do the investment profit math study, and mostly the Kruddy K's go for naughty, boring selfies in a dead zone of enslavement and poverty, as if they are having fun showing off how rich and whatever they are is nice.. so that genius artist of everything and all mankind can check out the local citizen fashions, art, culture, stories and song for more depression style copy.. er I mean.. when he 'inspire travels' he gets ideas.. accidentally can elevate these dreams to genius level art. somehow the same normal life and custom of all the last places he visited or saw in the news.. yeah/

  7. Malibuborebee7:45 AM

    God, you are fucking crazy, @And.

    You're so incredibly batshit that one hardly knows where to start.

    Here: Leave Cuba alone. We never should have embargoed them in the first place since they came to us first and we drove them into the arms of the Soviet Union. But we did and it was stupid and it lasted decades too long. It's about bloody time that childish nonsense chapter of our history was closed.

  8. It is always so frustrating reading your post since they are hard to make any sense out of. I don't know why I keep reading them. Not trying to be mean... sorry, not sorry

  9. bush bunny10:14 AM

    You obviously have news connections all over the place. I admit, I am impressed by this comment. If he hadn't died a couple of years ago, I'd bet my next paycheck you were Saul Landau! Saul knew Cuba better than any American. Castro loved the guy. Check out his films on Cuba on amazon. Keep up the great work.

  10. bush bunny10:16 AM

    You must have known the late, great filmmaker, Saul Landau.

  11. Mary contrary10:25 AM

    Aren't you the voice of reason today- kudos!

  12. Studio5411:16 AM

    Next to North Korea and the entire continent of Africa, Cuba is one of the most repressive hell holes on earth.
