Friday, May 27, 2016

Blind Item #4

Six months ago, this former A-/B+ list mostly movie actress who has not really worked much except for a small part in a recent limited series was having her credit cards regularly declined when she went out shopping. Now, she is spending thousands of dollars each day with no trouble at all. Apparently the guy she is seeing helps out a lot and all she has to do is hook up with a few of his business partners and make their dreams of having sex with a known actress come true.


  1. kibble12:33 AM

    Winona R.

  2. Derek Harvey12:33 AM

    Tara Reid---Sharknado limited show

  3. Derek Harvey12:35 AM

    Winona don't pay for shit ; )
    and she does a couple of projects a year -including a new Netflix show

  4. kibble12:40 AM

    I thought of her because of "Stranger Things," her new Netflix show. It's only 8 epis.

    I also seem to recall her being close to bankrupt, her money wasn't handled well.

    Hate to think Tara was A-/B+ just for American Pie, but it's a good guess.

  5. Elle B12:50 AM

    Christina Ricci

  6. Groaning12:50 AM

    This is easy. It's Ashley Greene.

  7. Elle B12:51 AM

    married nvm

  8. Kno Won Uno12:57 AM

    Yeah...but she's looking better, recently. Maybe he's taking care of her health, as well.

  9. AdGirl1:14 AM

    The rating doesn't totally align, but I'm thinking this is Selma Blair. Limited run being People vs. OJ, and new man allegedly is David Foster.

  10. Derek Harvey1:16 AM

    I like that guess, A LOT. Although I agree she was B-list at most.

  11. WickedBee1:17 AM

    Lindsay Lohan. Speed The Plow - limited series.

  12. Derek Harvey1:58 AM

    Yeah-I think there was a reveal saying she gave most of her time and money to charities-which is awesome -but she needs to save some money for herself. I read in an interview that she lived in Helen Mirrens guest house (she rented it when in LA). The guess is not completely off--I just dont want it to be her haha and I dont see her doing that--I really like the Selma Blair guess actually.

  13. @kno

    I noticed that too, kno. maybe the sharknado franchise made her feel like not all is lost.


  14. Sharper Teeth4:15 AM

    She was also in The Big Lebowski!

  15. Kno Won Uno5:19 AM

    I thought of her, as well. I wonder why Lilo & Tara never went in to business together.

  16. Youareatowel7:44 AM

    Is there going to be a t.v series of "speed the plough?" I saw her in the West end when she was doing the run (I work in theatre land... she wasnt bad but I can't see how it would translate and also why they would use her again... <<>>

  17. Kirsten Dunst.

  18. AdGirl11:27 AM

    I'm still equally broken by Enty's rating of Selma as I am feeling validated by your validation, Mr. Harvey. My "nailed it" post will be bittersweet; I'm not a participation trophy kind of girl, but equally aspire to be right, at least once (*wink*).

  19. Derek Harvey11:34 AM

    It's 2016, all people with childish behaviour recieve a trophy. Mine is Gold and big. You get a bronze medalion.
