Sunday, May 22, 2016

Blind Item #4

This actress from an acting family that may or may not act any longer is hooking up with a married Lloyds Of London director.


  1. Baby Trisha Harvey2:45 AM

    Daddy I'm hungry

  2. Derek Harvey2:45 AM

    Drew Barrymore

  3. Baby Trisha Harvey2:46 AM

    Daddy can I go over Margaret's house?

  4. Derek Harvey2:48 AM

    fuck off, sicko---nothing worse than a grown ass "person" talking baby talk---and for weeks---go to a mental institution where you belong. Fucken perv.

  5. Baby Trisha Harvey2:51 AM

    Is that a yes?

  6. Derek's Thong2:56 AM


  7. sandybrook2:59 AM

    I'll say Elizabeth Olson.

  8. That's a yes. You are infantile in your actions and in your motivations.

  9. Judge Judy's Stylist3:08 AM

    "jack" is a Derek Harvey sock puppet. Nice try, Derek Harvey

  10. Then you don't know jack.

  11. Derek Harvey3:11 AM


    makes more sense

  12. Seriously. Cannot stop laughing.

  13. dynamo3:43 AM

    I don't understand the internet trolling hate on this site.
    It's just a gossip column.
    So, why the hate?
    I don't understand the purpose of disrespecting other people following this blog.

  14. A Troll's Troll4:02 AM

    Derek's Thong- KYS already and make the world a better place.

  15. sandybrook4:02 AM

    i wish the blind made sense--does the family not act or the actress in the family not act? :(

  16. Judge Judy's Stylist4:18 AM

    You must be new here. Derek deserves what he has dished out. He needled and needled a former poster here for months. And what's worse is the infantile way he did it. He is not a nice person.

  17. Judge Judy's Stylist4:19 AM

    Are you kidding? These trolls made coming to CDAN worth while. And, Derek deserves it. He is not a nice person.

  18. Dereks Mommy4:36 AM

    He is a disgusting piece of Garbage and deserves this and worse!

  19. Derek's Thong4:40 AM

    Derek is a great friend of mine who has been there for me during terrible times and everyone should leave him-
    Alone. You don't know him the way I do...

  20. Derek's Psyche5:06 AM

    Go easy on him. Y'all don't know the horrific things men did to him when he was a child. Just be glad he isn't a serial killer.

  21. jenny breen5:27 AM

    Please stop with the childhood abuse crap . We are survivors not jokes

  22. annoyed with trolls5:50 AM

    The trolls are annoying and not even clever. Go annoy people at the grocery store.

  23. If the troll gave it a rest it would mean more if you started in on Derek if he started picking on people again. He has stopped for now and these posts in every single thread make it look like Derek is the innocent party.

  24. At this time 11 troll posts in this thread and 9 posts to speak about the troll, some asking it to stop and others praising it.

    It's a pain to wade through it all to find the gossip.

  25. Malibuborebee5:58 AM

    Sure kid, take the freeway - it'll be quick to cross.

  26. Malibuborebee6:09 AM

    Aww. So marvelously self-righteous.

    Someone on the internet was a bitch to someone else who was also a bitch on the internet. I won't even get into the fact that a gaggle of bitches ganged up on Derek here every day - nevermind about that.

    Naturally, you have to stalk and harass Derek every day months later because lord knows no one on the goddamn fucking internet is ever bitchy to anyone else. Of course you must obsess over it and stalk him. Absent your desperately needed medication, what else could you possibly do?

  27. Derek's hernia6:09 AM

    ...or IS he...?

  28. Malibuborebee6:19 AM

    You are such a YUGE fucking hypocrite. You are not a nice person, which you prove here daily by stalking and harassing Derek.

    You are compelled to avenge that nasty cow Trish over and over and over and over again because... uh.... you are The Internet Avenger! You seek out and punish all the not nice people on the web and - oh no, wait.. you're just some dumb twat who stalks Derek all the time.

    Get a new hobby, moron.

  29. Judge Judy's Stylist6:42 AM

    The cheapest crooks, Bore, have the guadiest patter.

  30. I'm not Tricia, my name is6:47 AM

    Maybe they are Tricia & that's why they keep attacking Derek. She always did like to play innocent. She was here all day & night daily then poof she disappears. No way it was because she had a baby. She already had one & it didn't stop her. She knew she'd slipped lately & people were starting to be on to her innocent act so she's just hiding now but still trolling Derek.

  31. I'm not Tricia, my name is6:47 AM

    Maybe they are Tricia & that’s why they keep attacking Derek. She always did like to play innocent. She was here all day & night daily then poof she disappears. No way it was because she had a baby. She already had one & it didn’t stop her. She knew she’d slipped lately & people were starting to be on to her innocent act so she’s just hiding now but still trolling Derek.

  32. Laura Palmer8:18 AM

    Bloody hell...I will come over and whupp some troller ass out there...don't mess. ...I like this place and all the versions of Derek in it..

  33. Laura Palmer8:27 AM

    Wait.....those other Dereks are fake troll Dereks? Shut up...that is b.s..

  34. Do you know that there are 5 main reasons for trolling? Abusive childhood, mental illness, sexual orientation acceptance issues, social outcasts and sexual predators. You can bet everyone of those trolling can identify with at least one of the above. It's sad really. IGNORE them all DEREK, I love your guesses and will always visit to read them. ENTY, you need to tackle these cyber-stalkers.

  35. It could be Ava10:44 AM

    On a totally unrelated note, is Count Jerkula in exile?

  36. Tricia1311:21 AM


  37. Marlo3:07 PM

    The unfunny tedious trolls here, and the ones writing essays everyday about the trolls here, as if anybody gives a fuck, are both sides of the same coin. So congratulations, you are both returds.

  38. I can't help but feel this troll is headed toward something that would see them put on a psych hold for 48 hrs. It's getting very frequent & compulsive now.

  39. Is the troll David? That guy who does real estate stuff but doesn't seem to really because his shiz is so incredibly unprofessional that I wouldn't trust him to sell my cat on Ebay let alone a $2M property.

  40. StewMcG11:49 PM

    I think he's over at the "other" site (Anarchy).
