Sunday, May 29, 2016

Blind Item #3

The only thing keeping this former supermodel alive right now is the revenge she wants on someone. The former A+ list model is dying but is trying to keep it a secret. Usually she would be gunning for the magazine covers, but even she thinks some tings should remain private.


  1. Derek Harvey2:30 AM

    Janice Dickisnon Bill Cosby

  2. Elle B2:31 AM

    kate moss

  3. Derek Harvey2:38 AM

    Janice Dickinson Scary Skinny Amid Breast Cancer Battle
    RadarOnline‎ - 1 day ago

  4. Ms. Anne Thrope2:40 AM

    those pap pics of Janice the other day were heartbreaking, she's so frail.

  5. Matt C2:48 AM


  6. Zilla12:57 AM

    Carol Alt? Wasn't there something about her having cancer? She doesn't seem the feud/vindictive type though.

  7. S.D.AUNTIE2:58 AM

    Janice is still smoking cigarettes

  8. Hot Cola3:07 AM


  9. Guesser3:30 AM

    If she was diagnosed as terminal, she wouldn't feel the need to quit. She likely suffered a lot of damage to her organs after years of addiction and treatment may be too late.

  10. saras4:24 AM

    Most people and end stage don't care if they smoke, drink, ect as they are dying anyway. Might as well enjoy the last bit of life with whatever you like.

  11. Malibuborebee4:25 AM

    Sounds like Janice except for thinking something should remain private.

  12. Studio545:13 AM

    I wish Enty could give his expert legal opinion on the current Cosby rape case. I read the accuser bought Cosby a sweater after the alleged abuse. Well, that isn't good. I just see another case will blacks will nullify, ignore all the evidence deliberately, and you have to have a mixed jury. The Supreme Court just overturned a life sentence for someone that had a one race jury.

    OJ is only in prison now because he had an all white jury convict him. It would have been hung for sure if even one black person was on it, IMO.

  13. Honeybunny6:02 AM

    What the h311!!!!!!!!!
    Please stay off the drugs. :-[

  14. Mrsbellaj6:08 AM

    I didn't really see any difference.

  15. Bad habits become a comfort once it's too late. The only reason to quit would be if there's any chance at all.

  16. Kno Won Uno8:09 AM

    Janice Dickinson was diagnosed with DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ), the least awful breast cancer.
    DCIS is to breast cancer as basal cell carcinoma is to melanoma.
    Melanoma & some breast cancers can kill you, DCIS & basal cell carcinoma do not.
    If this is Janice Dickinson, it's a separate diagnosis that's killing her.
    Aside from that, I agree with you. When you have a terminal diagnosis there's absolutely no point in stopping or starting anything. It doesn't matter. Most oncologists will say the same thing.
    "A train is going to hit you! Drop that cigarette!!" sounds pretty feeble.

  17. Guesser9:34 AM

    It's possible she could have found out other Health problems while undergoing treatment. It's also possible she lied about her type of cancer. She has looked I'll.

  18. I mean I've been watching her for decades now and she's not the healthiest of people.

  19. bush bunny10:47 AM

    This scenario is from left field (aren't they all?) but I read a blind a couple of years ago in a European magazine about a world-famous model (blond with legs for miles) who had been infected with the HIV virus by one of the handsome sons of one of Europe's richest families. His family is full of really strange women and she was the darling of all the fashion magazines for years. Could it be them? I know their names, just don't want to include them in this post. Both are names familiar to everyone who comments on CDAN.

  20. Kno Won Uno11:16 AM

    True. The curse of time is all those surprising 'incidental findings' they stumble across when you're getting treated for something else.
    I agree she looks pretty unwell, lately. If it's something else, that's crummy because DCIS is curable.

  21. Shaddup Mimsey12:45 PM


  22. LaBomba2:08 PM

    Quitting smoking when dx with cancer is not a good idea. It just accelerates the cancer growth. Better to keep smoking.
    Good Luck to all who are dealing with all and any types of cancer.

  23. ItaloDance7:53 AM

    Got a Joke (Not related to anyone in personal terms)

    >be diagnosed with a terminal illness
    >and stops smoking

    WHY ???

    >Just wants to appear 'healthy' at the funeral

  24. bush bunny2:00 AM

    No. She's very tall and blond.

  25. GroovieMann6:36 AM

    I still don't get how Janice Dickinson is really a supermodel. I had to look her up.

    Twiggy, Lauren Hutton, Cheryl Tiegs, Christie Brinkley, Cindy and those who have come since, yes. But is she was so super, I think I would have seen or heard of her before she labeled herself.
