Friday, May 27, 2016

Blind Item #3

The Director's Wife is hooking up with this married, foreign born actor who had a long running network hit. The two are co-starring in a project together.


  1. Derek Harvey12:02 AM

    I think Kate Capshaw is the directors wife

  2. Derek Harvey12:05 AM


    Gretchen Mol directors wife and Hugh Laurie

  3. Derek Harvey12:06 AM

    Gretchen Mol To Star In 'Chance' Hulu Drama Series
    Deadline-Mar 3, 2016
    Hulu Logo New Boardwalk Empire alumna Gretchen Mol is set as the female lead opposite Hugh Laurie in Hulu's drama series Chance, from ..

  4. Laura Palmer1:42 AM

    Hugh Laurie gets around.

  5. Sadie2:48 AM

    How about Amanda Peet.. and who is she co-starring with now?

  6. nancer5:14 AM

    amanda peet would never!!!!!!

    (i love her. sorry.)

  7. Ear to the ground5:32 AM

    I love it when there's a blind about Hugh Laurie. It's way more interesting than the ones about Bieber being a dick, or Britney sleeping with her bodyguard. I don't think there's been a film or movie set where Laurie hasn't hooked up with either a co-star or a member of the crew. He screwed Edelstein and an EP early on in House's run, not to mention a few of the guest stars and a parade of hookers. His wife doesn't care as long he doesn't do it under her nose. She can't complain anyway. He was seeing someone else when they hooked up, she got pregnant and he "did the right thing" and married her. The only reason they haven't divorced is because it would cost him a fortune. He has dollar bills coming out of his ass and not just from his TV & movie work. She'd be entitled to half. In fact their were rumors flying around a few years ago that he was preparing to divorce her, but that she'd threatened to dish some of the dirt on him to the tabloids in the UK.

    I have friends who worked with him who adore the guy though. He's always doing low key things for charities, and he's personally helped out crew members who were having financial problems.

    Mol's a doll too, even if she's made terrible decisions about who she allowed herself to get involved with in the past. She's a better actress than people give her credit for too. If they're hooking up **shrugs** Fidelity isn't exactly the norm in Hollywood.

  8. I need Hugh Laurie to be madly in love with his wife and faithful to her forever.

  9. LaBomba11:29 AM

    Soon-Yi and ???

  10. It's not Hugh Laurie. Leave him alone. All rumors about him are fake.

    Dear ''Ear to the ground'' are not credible at all, sorry.
