Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Blind Item #3

This former A+ list celebrity chef who lost it all has been trying to scramble to pay investors from her most recent project. Things started out great but now, not so much. The chef is selling off assets to try and pay everyone off.


  1. Derek Harvey12:01 AM

    Paula Deen

  2. Derek Harvey12:01 AM

    Paula Deen takes back $1.3 million home she 'gifted' to her husband
    Wonderwall‎ - 18 hours ago
    Paula Deen said "gifting" the home to her husband was a misunderstanding.

  3. Malibuborebee12:07 AM


  4. Derek's Disgraced Father12:11 AM

    I tried to get him to play baseball, but he wanted to sit home and nail cooking blinds. smh

  5. Kno Won Uno12:17 AM

    A misunderstanding? "Here's a house, honey. J/k!"

  6. Another reason to never, ever piss off employees -- even from way back when -- before you become famous.
    Paula Deen and her PR people handled the disclosure situation of her calling a former employee a "N-word" so badly that she needs to take her ego down to humble beginnings and start over.
    She forgot that the people you pass on your climb up the ladder are the same ones you pass on the way as you are falling down.

  7. Tricia132:38 AM


  8. Jersey Sage2:57 AM

    David, you missed the point. Many unfortunately still use the N word. She was not of the demographic the media would let escape it, quite the opposite, so she paid dearly. Others not so much

  9. anna from savannah3:05 AM

    Paula Deen's waterfront home just outside Savannah is the first thing I will buy when I win the Lottery! It is worth far more than the $1 million plus it is advertised for. And, by the way, Paula is not from Savannah. She's from Albany, Ga. We Geechees are very territorial. But have to thank her for putting Savannah on the tourist map in a big way. She is not the sweet, caring, motherly lady you see on TV.

  10. Whywhywhy???4:42 AM

    I stopped believing in celebrity personas when I was 21 years old. My last shock was finding out Rock Hudson was gay; That was 1985. I am pleased when I hear of a kindness but I realize marketing is not an actual personality. I think with the right marketing Paula could have overcome even that plantation wedding concept. That was one disastrous marketing plan, her team sucked!!!. Still, I love her artery clogging food.

  11. Derek's Dickfaced Father - so do you have to work real hard at being such a dick or does it come naturally for you?

  12. Definitely Paula Deen.

  13. Pat's Foster Dad10:44 AM

    That was mean Pat. Go sit in the corner and contemplate.

  14. Stacey12:38 PM

    I didn't care that Paula used the N word in one of her parties, especially since black people use that word all the time in greeting each other, or in songs. If it is a bad word than no one should say it.
