Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Blind Item #2

This A list reality star can pretend all she wants that she is with this A list NFL star but he only likes guys. Plus, he needs to stay far far away from the drugs and drama she brings to every table.


  1. Derek Harvey11:46 PM

    Khloe K Odell Beckham Jr.

  2. sandybrook11:46 PM

    KTrash and Odell Beckham Jr.

  3. Derek Harvey11:47 PM

    and it should work-out just fine---Khloes ALL MAN, BABY

  4. Not a blind

  5. Zilla111:56 PM

    The only Beckham any Kardashian/Jenner will ever get their hands on, I'm guessing.

  6. Momager has taught her girls well.
    Once you get your hands on a wealth man, destroy him!
    Whether or not he is straight or gay!

  7. As an Eagles fan, I seriously hope this "relationship" lasts well into the Christmas season

  8. WhoDatGirl772:34 AM

    Odell Beckham Jr and Khloe Kartrashian

  9. Whywhywhy???3:19 AM

    Geesh, I needed that laugh. What a day I was having. I don't care if everyone else in the room looked over at my cube...LMAO!

  10. Kno Won Uno3:31 AM

    Was it yesterday this was in the DM? I think it was even on E! News.

  11. Kno Won Uno3:32 AM

    Bruh! Lifelong (l o n g) Eagles fan.
    Quick - who's our quarterback?

  12. Munchies5:13 AM

    Oh god, first Kendall bearding Harry styles then Kim being a surrogate for gay dad Kanye now Khloe bearding drakes boyfriend Odell . The nonsense continues fot the kartrasians. Anyone or anything that keeps them in the spotlight

  13. saras5:35 AM

    Family of beards gonna beard. I hoped that one of them would take the money and go hide somewhere but no way. The family buisness is too lucerative! Can't these dudes just be out and gay its 2016 for $#@& sake. You really want to pay these skeevy ho' $???

  14. Bull Face (khktrash) is the most dangerous and destructive w/ her love to drugs & her health of horse (not everyone can handle this amount of drug & alcohol: just look at lamar, rob & deepsick)...
    Slow One is very dangerous for mankind bc of her reproduction of ktrash...

  15. @Kno Wentz. Bradford somehow has convinced teams over the years he is worth signing, but he's worthless. At least it's not Sanchez!!

  16. Kno Won Uno6:55 AM

    Not officially, though. Bradford's useless, another legacy of 'genius' Chip. Such a genius, no one has any idea WTF he's talking about. I hope the rest of his life is shit.
    I kinda like this Wentz kid. He has potential. If he's not protected, he'll just be another Bradford, though.

  17. McKenna2:27 PM

    Olivia Nunn and Aaron Rogers for the win!!!
