Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Blind Item #11

This foreign born B list mostly movie actress was in a long running franchise. She is playing with fire right now. The outspoken actress is having a fling with a young married politician from her home country. At least one British tabloid editor is dying to spill the news but is being held back by their publisher.


  1. MontanaMarriott4:30 AM

    Emma Watson?

  2. sandybrook4:31 AM

    Emma Watson

  3. back again4:33 AM

    Uh Oh....JAS is not gonna like this blind.

  4. sandybrook4:45 AM


  5. Ms_wonderland5:05 AM

    So who's the politician? Most likely a Tory as most publishers would love to rubbish Labour, but I can't see Emma shagging Boris. Interesting.

  6. Kibble5:06 AM

    Well, JAS is married too ... ;)

  7. shakey5:15 AM

    Aw, did Emma finally get her scandal?

  8. bigplease5:18 AM

    yea, emma watson.

  9. bigplease5:18 AM

    marriage: for the naive only.

  10. Salaam5:21 AM

    Anna Paquin and Justin Trudeau

  11. violet5:41 AM

    EW and Zac Goldsmith. I mean it's obviously EW, so I'll just throw in ZG as a random young(ish) UK politcian.

  12. back again6:40 AM

    hey now! speak for yourself! it suits some just fine & others...weeelllll, not so fine.

  13. Now, isn't THAT the truth!

  14. Malibuborebee7:01 AM


    Oh dear god, no, that's too terrible to contemplate.

  15. Jersey Sage7:04 AM

    Does her feminism stance approve of home wrecking?

  16. master passive7:10 AM

    @jersey sage

    takes two to tango.

    or are you one of those scorned women who always blames the woman in the affair?

    women are all for equality and supporting one another, UNLESS YOU STEAL MY MAN BITCH! haha

  17. Hot Cola8:35 AM

    Political marriages are hardley a "home wrecking"
    Most of them are conducted for others reasons than "home".

  18. Stacey10:58 AM

    Why would she have an affair? Especially since so many people are gunning for her? I don't understand the hate Emma Watson is getting from Hollywood. Is it because she considers herself a feminist?

  19. If this comes out she will cry fenimism and that she is being 'slut shammed'. God i hate third gen feminists

  20. What ever happened to constructive criticism. Or just critisism, Now it's your a bully, your slut shamming. You can't say boo anymore. Too many sensitive people. Generally speaking, not necessarily about Emma just speaking my mind.

  21. Englishrose5:17 PM

    I think the main reason people don't like Emma Watson is the simple fact that she can't act for shit. She's easily one of the most wooden performers I've ever seen.

  22. I don't think it's that they're sensitive. It's that they want to do what they want without being called a slut for it. I think it's more a way to do or say what you want without any repercussions. "I'm not a slut, I'm a FREE SPIRIT! I'm a feminist taking control of my own sexuality!" That's my own theory at least.

  23. AyyyPapi12:14 AM

    3rd wave feminism has way more important issues to deal with.Ya know, like manspreading.

  24. GroovieMann2:28 AM

    "Please sir, explain to me what you think feminism is."...said no one ever.

  25. Yeah it's EW. People have seen them together actually.

  26. People don't like EW because she has a fake image.

  27. Lavert12:20 AM

    +10,000,000,000,000. Or even more.

    Promiscuous men are given a pass with a little laugh or perhaps rolled eyes. Perhaps a "tsk, tsk" if they are married.

    Why is she on the receiving end of so much scorn for supporting feminism? She seems a little humorless, but that's not feminism's fault.

    Young women want to have control over their own bodies and their own sexuality. Without lawmakers or judgemental morality police getting involved.

    Being a feminist doesn't mean you aren't allowed to make mistakes. It advocates holding women to the same standards by which men are judged.

    By the way, SHE is not cheating on the politician's wife; HE is!

  28. Lavert12:22 AM

    Promiscuous men are given a pass with a little laugh or perhaps rolled eyes. Perhaps a “tsk, tsk” if they are married.

    Why is she on the receiving end of so much scorn for supporting feminism? She seems a little humorless, but that’s not feminism’s fault.

    Young women want to have control over their own bodies and their own sexuality. Without lawmakers or judgemental morality police getting involved.

    Being a feminist doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to make mistakes. It advocates holding women to the same standards by which men are judged.

    By the way, SHE is not cheating on the politician’s wife; HE is!

  29. @Lavert - Well said! +100000000000000!
