Sunday, April 24, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #7

September 1, 2014

This B- list mostly television actress who got her start on reality television is getting really good at sleight of hand. The world thinks she is dating an actor because of some well placed pics and she is dating the guy sometimes, but she is also dating a married producer on her show in hopes that when the show inevitably gets canceled he will bring her to his next project. When she starts sleeping with a woman then she will have completed the Bowfinger.

Katharine McPhee


  1. She's a slag.

  2. Maybe Katharine knows "Scorpion" has jumped the shark.

  3. margins8:08 AM

    real life question
    she is famous bc of american idol, right?
    ....and now she is a TV actress.
    holy crap,how many steps of the ladder were f**ks, girl?

  4. Patrick2:20 PM

    Ironically, the show would be helped by shedding her character. She's a real anchor on the plots.

  5. Sharper Teeth6:34 AM

    That show never should have happened, tbh.

  6. i don't know why i still love her.
