Saturday, April 16, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #7

November 6, 2014

This former B list mostly movie actress turned B list television actress on a hit pay cable show has hit the skids lately with no one wanting to hire her. part of the reason might be the pills. She emerged from her apartment the other day for the first time in a week after a massive bender. Her maid said it smelled like death inside.

Paz De La Huerta


  1. Zilla13:34 AM

    Maybe that's the smell of foreshadowing.

  2. sandybrook3:39 AM

    Supposedly she has sued a movie company for $55 million because she was hit by an ambulance filming a movie scene and her back was fractured and her "career" ruined.

  3. Zilla13:42 AM

    Oh, that's true, I forgot about the accident. It was pretty heinous. I think she had the right to sue. Maybe a lot of the meds are painkillers.

  4. did this loyal made smell the death of her employment?

  5. hothotheat6:40 AM

    If you can't clean up the smell of death you're not a very good maid.

    I think she was already out of control, the accident made it worse. Moreover, the studio can claim she was high and the accident was her fault.

  6. Kibble7:20 AM

    Here's The Daily News' piece from late February, including footage of the accident.

  7. Mooshki7:51 AM

    I would hope the tampon incident would make her pretty much unhireable.

  8. CobraDemander1:14 AM

    What tampon incident? What did I miss? I loved her character on Boardwalk. Kind of feel bad for her, but damn, what a trainwreck.

  9. Sitara2:23 AM

    I wonder who is looking after her kid? I feel bad for that kid.

  10. back again7:34 AM

    Supposedly while drunk(again) on the Boardwalk set she was dropping her tampons all over the place & refusing to pick them up & telling her P.A.s to do it..& just harrassing them in general...i think that's it.

  11. back again7:39 AM

    i just read that on Celebitchy cuz i didn't know either.

  12. Gookie8:50 AM

    Only on the inside?

  13. CobraDemander9:36 AM

    Eh, I could think of tons of worse things that one could do with tampons as a faux pas....

  14. back again9:45 AM

    yeah, i thought it was going to be something alot more offensive/gross.

  15. Snarknado4:00 PM

    Zilla1 said Kesha should hold her nose and do her job, but she hasn't chimed in with the same opinion about this maid.

  16. Penelope21:32 AM

    I googled her and saw pics of a 50 year old woman, but Wiki is telling me she's 31. Maybe THAT's why no one will hire her.

  17. Mooshki1:55 PM

    Celebitchy has the sanitized version. (Pun intended.)

    “Paz De La Huerta was fired from Boardwalk Empire because during a nude scene her tampon string was showing. She was told to hide it or get rid of it, she pulled it out in front of the crew and threw it on the floor, then told a PA to pick it up, which was the end of her. True friggin story.”
