Saturday, April 23, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #6

October 12, 2014

This A list celebrity couple spent their first time together in almost a month to do something special with their kid(s) together. Considering how much the couple does not like each other and that they are living in separate buildings at their home, it was nice to see them do something for the kid(s).

Fergie/Josh Duhamel


  1. sandybrook3:21 AM

    Still almost 1 1/2 years later he hasn't divorced her yet. (vice versa). But we don't see them together either very much.

  2. sarah6:52 AM

    Not related at all- but it looks like rashida jones is pregnant?!?! At least to me....

    Blindgossip has a blind about it and i think it is her

  3. thebutlerdidit1:02 PM

    ^^ I thought it was Cammie Diaz that's knocked up...

    Fergie and Josh still not living together.

  4. Scallywag8:30 AM

    They're both good Catholic kids from broken homes. I don't think they'll divorce until there's a reason, like one wants to remarry.

  5. makes sense, he's inseparable to his son and she doesn't seem to care.
