Sunday, April 17, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #6

November 21, 2014

She might be off the drugs and booze for now, but this former B+ list mostly movie actress turned train wreck still chain smokes and always sounds like she is trying to catch her breath. Someone who saw her outside the other day in daylight says she looks 45 or 50 and the only movie roles she is going to get are as a mom who is a recovering drug addict.

Lindsay Lohan


  1. sandybrook3:24 AM

    None of this is even blind-worthy and again with the chain smoking Enterd?

  2. Derek Harvey3:35 AM

    That's our Lilo...

  3. Kno Won Uno3:39 AM

    Weighing 400 lbs, eating enough to feed 4 people and drinking till he passes out - those are Enty's virtues.

  4. sandybrook4:07 AM

    dont forget living life through reality tv clowns

  5. Damned if she does and damned if she dont! Figure with her family's issues on display would trigger her drug use, but if she's clean maybe she's straightening herself up and I applaud her!

  6. Emily5:10 AM

    Why do you talk shit about enty, yet you are on here Get a life

  7. Oh, come on. First of all, this blind is 18 months old already. Second, she's Lilo. There is no "straightening up" for her. The blind definitely refers to her being off booze and drugs only on that particular day, cuz...she's Lilo.

  8. ellie6:29 AM

    Chain smoking is repulsive and disgusting, and shows a total lack of control.

  9. Mooshki6:59 AM

    People with low self-esteem make themselves feel better by putting others down. It's a whole internet thing.

  10. And-so-on..9:36 AM

    Maybe she can find a film to play a raspy voice tough ol' late thirty year old hag who's done and seen everything in life.. bar owner ... and the Bar should be called Looney Lilo's..

  11. Studio5411:18 AM

    This describes what chain smoking does to your entire body on the outside, inside its even worse, it's ruining her lungs, her mouth, etc. What's wrong with that Russian, and all the rest of them that PAY for her? What Is remotely attractive about her?

  12. Studio5411:21 AM

    She was horrible and raspy and old in that Elizabeth Taylor/Richard Burton lifetime show. She was too far gone then.

  13. This was unnecessarily mean almost bullying. Big deal she smokes. There was just a pic at the Duran Duran concert 2 weeks ago and she looks fine. She is mid 30s.

  14. Snarknado2:39 PM

    Yeah, definitely didn't exist before the internet.

    Ahhh, the wonderful rush from a shot of self esteem....

  15. TheCousinEddy7:00 PM

    I'll take the bait... @Panna, Lindsay "LiLo" Lohan is 29. Not "mid 30s". As the blind suggests, she looks far beyond her years. The chain-smoking, partying, and "Hollywood" lifestyle took its toll on her and her body. One could say it chewed her up and spit her out and what was spat out was definitely not very pretty. LiLo looks well-beyond her young age of only 29 years old though I will say I and I'm sure many others are surprised she made it to her current age given some of her antics of the past 10 years.

  16. She also a fair skinned red head, and they age the quickest. Any sun exposure causes damage and wrinkles. Add that to her smoking wrinkles and she's doomed.

  17. Laura Palmer1:54 PM

