Friday, April 08, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

February 17, 2016

This A+ list singer married to an A+ list rapper doesn’t like you to think you can just hire her for a gig. So, when she was offered her fee to sing at a wedding out of the country, she made it seem like she was just a guest at the wedding and not the entertainment. Guests at the wedding had to leave their cameras and cell phones at the door.



  1. Kno Won Uno3:35 AM

    To be honest, sometimes I do think it's a bit tacky for A+ list talent to play private gigs. Not sure why that is - it just seems like it should be beneath them. How much money is enough?
    I already know I'm wrong.

  2. sandybrook3:38 AM

    she seems to perform at many weddings....except her mom's.

  3. Somewhere, I saw/read that Beyonce wants $1 Million upfront to just think about performing.

    Years ago, back in the early 80's I met an Oscar winning screen writer through a screenwriting workshop who told me that in order to get Jimmy Stewart to read his soon to be produced script, the producer had to pay Jimmy $10,000 just to read it.
    Jimmy passed on it.
    The writer said it was the script that the writer eventually won his Oscar for.

  4. TedBundy5:44 AM

    I completely agree. It's like doing an that category somehow

  5. If I pay someone money to do a job they better do that job and screw her about the cameras. She's not a guest she's a performer at the wedding. If she doesn't like her picture taken she's in the wrong business.

  6. Not wrong at all, Kno. Really, is it THAT important to throw another mil on the pile?

  7. + A BILLION

  8. Derek's Thong8:31 AM

    Now, for whose wedding was she singing?

  9. Hot Cola8:37 AM

    Probably at some villa in Punta de Mita where leaders of the world go vacationing.
    (And no, Joe Francis doesn't live there, he lives near by)

  10. Mooshki8:43 AM

    Darn it, I guessed that *other* A+ list singer married to an A+ list rapper.

  11. Studio5411:33 AM

    She let herself be hired out by a freaking dictator. All these two think about is lining their pockets.
