Thursday, April 14, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

February 25, 2016

Apparently one of the reasons this former A+ list rapper is acting so awful is that he has been mixing a bunch of medications because he thinks he is a doctor. He is juggling a combination of five or six types of medicine that he got a doctor to prescribe.

Kanye West


  1. Derek Kanye's Favorite Canadian3:36 AM

    Snorted It

  2. sandybrook3:43 AM

    I would annuhilate myself if I had to live and act around those 4 pigs and deal with Caitlyn.

  3. sandybrook3:44 AM


  4. Kanye keeps making bad decision after bad decision -- ever since his mom passed away after she had breast reduction surgery.
    So, sad. She was a stabilizing force for him.

  5. Kno Won Uno4:07 AM

    I know!
    I've felt kinda maternal towards him since his mother's passing and he is just sliding more off track every day. I liked him before his mother died and I wish he'd get hold of himself.

  6. Same here... Sadly though I don't think one can ever be grounded in the group he is fixed with now.

  7. well, that explains his nutty as fuck last album I guess.

  8. Kno Won Uno4:54 AM

    I honestly think that some of the tribe's appeal for him is the family itself. It was basically him & his mother all his life and now she's gone.
    He obviously enjoys being around the family & being a father, brother-in-law, what have you.
    In that way, Kim's filled a huge void for him - and she's taken Donda's place as his biggest supporter/fan. She never even rolls her eyes in his general direction, which is unusual.
    He's jollying Lamar & Scott along, being the senior bro-in-law...I think he likes his role with them.
    I wonder what would happen if Rob re-entered the fold and claimed his spot.

  9. hollah4:55 AM

    I would annihilate myself if I had to be within 100 feet of Kanye West.

  10. Murphy5:16 AM

    The Rob situation has to be really strange, not only with the Blac/Amber stuff but also because didn't Kanye refuse to throw Rob a bone/help him with some connections and that's what threw him over the deep end?

  11. Kno Won Uno5:31 AM

    Hmm....I don't remember that, but I don't watch KUWTK.
    I thought it was related to Khloe & Lamar splitting because they'd been so close...and then eating like LA was running out of food.
    But I have no memory of the situation.

  12. Murphy6:26 AM

    No it wasn't on the show-this was back when Rob was blackmailing all his sisters (although I guess part of it was on the show, when Khloe's jewelry was burgled on the show that was Rob)

  13. detnow3597:54 AM

    His mom was definitely a grounding force as others have mentioned. He hasn't been the same since her death and neither has Scott since he lost his parents weeks apart.

  14. detnow3597:54 AM

    His mom was definitely a grounding force as others have mentioned. He hasn't been the same since her death and neither has Scott since he loss of his parents weeks apart.

  15. Hot Cola10:45 AM

    ^Thats interesting observation @Kno, and close to truth, I think.

  16. Khaleesi10:51 AM

    This is true. It was downhill for him eversince. He wasnt always like this. Then the Katrashians are no help at all.

  17. Weezy2:55 AM

    Kanye is literally one of the dumbest people I've ever met.

  18. Weezy2:57 AM

    DETnow you got a lot of learning to do my friend. Kanye only cares about his rep buddy. If his fans really knew the guy they wouldn't spend a dime supporting him.

  19. Kanye to me is the rebel without a legitimate cause! He spouts off ignorant bullshit and picks on Taylor Swift, bc he doesn't have anything worth while to spout off about!
