Sunday, April 03, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 5, 2016

This A list Academy Award winner/nominee who might be scared for his life spent $3500 in booze and food the other night and took shots at the waiter all night and other wait staff. The guy was an a-hole and didn’t even leave any tip.

Sean Penn


  1. OT: The "You Might Also Like" is completely obscured by Twitter. If you know what I mean.

  2. Christine2:12 AM

    We don't know what you mean

  3. syvyn112:13 AM

    Gee, Sean Penn being a asshat? STOP THE PRESSES!

  4. Was the service bad? Enty when you pull stories out your a$$ be more specific.

  5. NoseyNeighbor2:20 AM

    I ♡ this whole El ChapĆ³ fiasco!

  6. And-so-on..2:20 AM

    If this stupid Smuck in a permanent bad mood wants to show his mighty star-power and elite richer than you are fame for kicks he should consider only eating only one time at any place...4-evah!

  7. sandybrook2:25 AM

    I think if El Chapo wanted him dead, he'd already be dead.

  8. I hope the waiter spit in his food and drinks!
    Never a good idea to piss off your waiter.

  9. If you look on the right side of this page you will see the twitter page of Enty. Right? If you now look right above the comments of us all, you will see the "You Might Also Like" thing. You cannot see the right part of it, because of the Twitter page.

  10. Zilla13:11 AM

    It's "schmuck." Take it from a New Yorker. :)

  11. Yeah, because wait staff go out of their way to be SOOOO BAD AT SERVICING ACADEMY AWARD WINNERS. /s

  12. So they (wait staff) did shots with an a$&?

  13. Oh I see - took shots 'at' - code for he's an a$&. I'm not very good at this :(

  14. Studio547:46 AM

    I put him at No. 2, right after Charlie Sheen, as the biggest a "star" in Hollywood.

  15. I hope he gets AIDS too! When I was a sever, there were always a few who would seek retribution for such assholian behavior. I guarantee this leathery prick has swallowed the spit (or worse) of an equally surly waiter.

  16. Phooey5:15 PM

    Sean Penn needs to move overseas and stay there.

  17. As a member of the overseas club, let me tell you right now, that we don't want him.
