Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 9, 2016

This Teen Mom can get as much medical help as she wants documented for cameras but until she comes clean about what she is doing to her body, they can’t help her. Never a blood test.

Jenelle Evans


  1. Kno Won Uno2:56 AM

    In real reality, you can't walk into any doc-in-a-box and say "I'm pretty sure I have neuroblastoma so I'll need a some difluoromethylornithine". That's not how any of this works.
    No idea what kind of 'medical help' she's supposedly getting, but it's not from a licensed physician, that's for sure.

  2. Rebecca Fisk3:12 AM

    Tamod galing sa titing malaki nilunok ko nun pinaputok sa bunganga ko

  3. BigBlue3:48 AM

    Hey, that's just what I was about to say!

  4. Derek Harvey3:52 AM

    Her new boyfriend is SO stupid. On last nights episode they were in NYC and as he goes to sleep he goes "Lets wake-up early and go sight-seeing, I wanna see THE EIFFEL TOWER" lollll

  5. are you a real author of iggy azalia rap lyrics?

  6. Seen a blind where one of them is on methadone.

  7. Did u see where she hung up on her lawyer BC she's telling her to make a custody arrangement to keep herself out of jail and he tells her the lawyers on their side! She doesn't want custody back if she did nothing would stop her!

  8. Derek Harvey7:06 AM

    Yup, plus she can't handle the truth! Her lawyer was telling her like it is and she had a hissy fit. She thinks she can just do her crimes as she pleases with no consequence and everyone kissing her ass along the way....

  9. Kno Won Uno7:15 AM

    Then someone, somewhere tested that person for something.
    Wait - do these people make enough money that they can pay cash for healthcare? That's the only way a patient can get only & exactly they want. Even then there are diagnostic criteria.
    I wish I could afford to be a patient in a concierge practice, but I'm a wage slave.

  10. Kno Won Uno7:20 AM

    Here's what I got from the translatoverse:
    "Semen from the penis big nun swallowed fired in my mouth"
    So, yeah.....
