Saturday, April 16, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 29, 2014

This A list mogul/reality star had sex with one of his celebrity employees and made his girlfriend watch.

Simon Cowell


  1. Honeybunny2:06 AM

    Please. I wouldn't want to watch me having sex with him let alone watching him with someone else. But then again I wouldn't do him with Lindseys' p#$$y.

  2. mariaj2:15 AM

    who was " one of his celebrity employers" . one of the 1 D boy ?

  3. demetria lovato as X-factor's employee. according to enty, she likes this kind of sex...

  4. sandybrook3:10 AM

    It's not like baby mama is in it for love from Simon all she wants is $$$$.

  5. Poppy Monty5:11 AM

    Lets start shaming the women here. Why should we pity them when they willingly stay with the guy if you have no respect for yourself we shouldnt respect you either

  6. I'd be happy for anyone to take him off my hands for the day and every day.

  7. I adore my Simon!!! Leave him alone.

  8. Studio5412:32 PM

    I am proud to say I didn't watch one second of Idol or X factor or anything else that obnoxious idiot did. He was the worst thing for the music biz since (c)rap. I told people that no one would remember the winners of that show, and that the "music" would not last even 10 years, unlike the Beatles, Stones, Who, etc..

  9. Snarknado4:49 PM

    I hope you aren't into Americas Got Talent. That's his next gig.

  10. longtimereader3:33 AM

    There is no mention of gender...
