Friday, April 15, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 22, 2016

You would think everyone would get along and come together in this situation, but no. This A+ list singer is being slammed by this former B+ list tweener turned B+ list singer for not publicly doing enough. Yeah, like the B+ lister has ever been public with all of her skeletons. There are a whole lot of skeletons in that closet she pretends to share.

Taylor Swift/Demi Lovato (supporting Kesha)


  1. Kno Won Uno2:43 AM

    Lovato, still not relevant.

  2. sandybrook2:50 AM

    I thought Tay gave Kesha money and Demi gave her what exactly?

  3. Derek Harvey2:53 AM

    Nailed it

    Taylor has died her hair back to blonde and it looks SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better. That mousy brown hair was so wrong. She also landed the always coveted Marc Jacobs campaign-she looks great-but damn she is thin...

  4. Derek Harvey2:54 AM

    a pair of Sketchers...

  5. sandybrook2:57 AM

    bwahaha Maybe Demi didnt bogart her drugs when around Kesha too.

  6. Kno Won Uno3:00 AM

    Meghan Trainor gave her the same thing.

  7. Derek Harvey3:05 AM

    Modeling for Marc or Sketchers
    Sleeping with Karlie or Wilmer
    Writing and performing hit songs or having songs written for you by 50 y old men

    I think Taylor is #winning

  8. Aanna3:15 AM

    Demi tweeted support, Tay gave money. Most wouldn't know who Demi is anymore if she didn't have sex with Simon to be a judge on a talent show.

  9. longtimereader3:24 AM

    Cowell has sex with a female? lol! Demi and taylor go way back, closet cases with stories to tell.

  10. Sometimes kind words of support weights more than money.

  11. Also, as I said before it IS double. At one side you have Taylor who never really was a feminist, but only time to time. And only gave money AFTER Demi calls her out. On the other end you have Demi who speaks loud, really loud.

  12. Shalene4:33 AM

    A hard time by opening her mouth. Demi is a parasite. Always screaming women's rights but stays with a guy that treats her like a day old newspaper

  13. Dutch5:07 AM

    Why is Demi Lovato a thing? She is not attractive, or talented. So who is she fucking to stay relevant?

  14. byebyebad5:15 AM

    demi lovato and wilmer valderama are the perfect co-bearding team. he likes to f**k guys under the guise of a ladies man, and she...well she doesnt try to hide her affection for pu$$y

  15. byebyebad5:15 AM

    taylor though...puts effort into hiding HER love of pu$$y. but she has better taste (looking at you, karlie)

  16. Aanna5:34 AM

    You obviously aren't a long time reader here or you would know. Enty has revealed mutliple times now Simon screws all the female judeges, and him and Demi have had an on/off thing for a long time. Other sites have also confirmed.

    Good bye, get a life.

  17. Sharper Teeth7:41 AM

    Demi gave her an @tweet...that's it.

  18. Penelope211:19 AM

    Do what you can, but don't tell others what to do. Did she shame everyone, or is she just picking on a bigger star she may be a little jealous of?

  19. Allie2:41 PM

    Wow. Someone has some major anger issues. I've read this blog for about 6 to 8 months. Does it really matter how long? While you didn't direct your comment to me, it seems rather childish and rude. If anyone needs to get a might want to look in the mirror. Bye!

  20. longtimereader11:26 PM

    Wow, someone is over invested in this blind eh? I'm from the UK, sites like popbitch have called him out, he was outed in a london courtroom as well. Or youtube louis theroux and max clfford for more proof. Regular readesr here understand that some blinds are accurate and others p.r. plants, it's just fun gossip with a coffee break, don't take it too seriously.

  21. Geansai Dearg6:34 AM

    So glad someone else thinks this, I've been saying it for years, my husband laughs at me and thinks i'm ridiculous for saying it. I thought he might come out after his mother died but nothing yet, still earlyish days though!
