Thursday, April 14, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 25, 2016

This A+ list singer/diva has done some very strange things in the past. This one might top them all. Apparently our singer gets daily enemas to avoid having to actually use the bathroom. Oh, and might be the only person who also sips champagne while getting them.

Mariah Carey


  1. Kno Won Uno2:43 AM

    If I could entirely eliminate elimination, I'd do it.
    You do you, Mimi.

  2. Derek's Rubber Tube2:44 AM

    Flushed it

  3. sandybrook2:54 AM

    I'm still wondering how doing enemas helps you avoid bathrooms? Seems to me an enema sends you in there more.

  4. Zilla12:58 AM

    So having someone attend directly to her nether regions every day in order to flush out fecal matter is somehow less humiliating than using a toilet? And judging by her weight issues over the years, she's been eating enough to make an enema a pretty messy job. Weird.

  5. Sarah3:00 AM

    I wonder if it's the flush thing where your poo goes down tubes? If you have ever had a cleanse, you'll know what I'm talking about.

  6. Whywhywhy???3:01 AM

    I guess controlled visits to the bathroom cause where else does one get an enema. I do hope this nurse is paid EXTREMELY well

  7. Kno Won Uno3:05 AM

    One would think after decades of having your every whim catered to, this might not seem much of a stretch.
    I get claustrophobic during manicures because someone's RESTRAINING MY HANDS!, so this definitely wouldn't be my cup of tea.

  8. Kno Won Uno3:08 AM

    I wonder if she's thought of also using a catheter. She wouldn't need to peel off all the spanx to pee. Spanx off/spanx on when you're sweaty is awful.

  9. Derek Spanx Supermodel3:12 AM

    Even worse is when they rub between my thighs and make that whistling noise. Right, ladies?

  10. Marianne3:42 AM

    @why I'm a nurse and the answer is def no, no and a ginormous NO!! Wouldn't do it for all Trumps money, well maybe. Lol

  11. Derek's Thong4:13 AM


  12. Dereks Butt Douche4:35 AM

    Derek has to have these after Dollar Night at the bus station bathroom. Flush out all those leftovers.

  13. HH3146:37 AM

    Now would she do this? Taking a great dump has got to be one of the most satisfying experiences in life - YES I SAID IT!
    Besides enemas and cleanses are really bad for your colon. You lose the bacteria you need for normal function, and the bacteria really like to swim in your poop, not in water or other liquids. Nature made it this way and there is no need to change anything.

  14. Bambibuubzitch6:56 AM

    Do you think that's a real job description? Enemologist?

    Sounds more like Mariah wants to make sure she is ready for anything.

  15. And-so-on..7:10 AM

    She might have bowel/colon troubles.. constipation, fissures, hemorrhoids and this can be caused by trauma during a difficult childbirth, of Crohn's disease etc

  16. Christina Aguilera had someone whose job was to blow coke up her ass with a straw so this doesn't surprise me

  17. texasrose8:52 AM

    So she doesn't use a bathroom to do this?? Does she expel into a bucket in her living room or bedroom???? I think even when you get an enema it involves a toilet/bathroom- the blind didn't say colon cleansing.

  18. Gatorgirl9:13 AM

    I had one once, where the poo goes down the drain tube thing. It was weird and after about half hour I started sweating profusely and almost fainted. Had to stop. My poo looked better for a long time after. Just sayin

  19. back agai10:38 AM

    just sounds like she's getting those portable colonics..Alot of 'working' people get these before they go to 'work' for the night,wkend, messes.

  20. LaBomba11:03 AM

    That's an old Mae West trick--supposedly keeps your skin young and glowing.

    She probably has it done by someone who comes in.

    But. GROSS!

  21. Stacey12:29 PM

    So what is she going to do about the pee situation? Stick a catheter in there?

  22. Derek Harvey1:40 PM

    NO.That was Stevie Nicks, TROLL.

  23. Bubbalicious6:56 PM

    I think this is the weirdest blind reveal I've ever read. How is an enema an improvement over going #2??? LOL

  24. infared1:53 AM

    perhaps she lost her positive anal wink.

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