Saturday, April 16, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 29, 2014

This actress is A list. She is married. She is an Academy Award winner/nominee. She also wanted a part very badly and was not being considered for it so she did the casting couch routine. Her husband has no idea.

Nicole Kidman


  1. Zilla11:33 AM

    I wonder what role it was. Hopefully not her role in Paddington!

  2. back again1:58 AM

    what is it with these bears?!?
    -I think maybe it was for "The Secret In Their Eyes" w/Julia Roberts & Chiwetel Ejiofor and she slept with the screenwriter/director Billy Ray.Production began in January 2015.

  3. Honeybunny2:10 AM

    Well when you're use to going that route why let a little thing called Marriage get in the way.

  4. Shut Up!2:10 AM

    An oscar winner is fvcking for parts? Please.

  5. The power of a woman's vagina.
    Betty White is correct: Pussy takes a pounding and keeps going! Or, something like that.

  6. June Gordon2:18 AM

    Ain't she a little long in the tooth for peddling pussy to get a role?

  7. hothotheat2:18 AM

    I wonder if Keith will leave her when he finds out.

  8. Academy awards mean nothing if you are a woman over 40 suddenly you are invisible in Hollywood's eyes.

  9. PoniTayl3:07 AM

    So some executive wanted to see what screwing a mannequin was like?

  10. Hot Cola3:25 AM

    ^Ha! That

  11. Guesser3:26 AM

    Enty has an irrational hatered of Nichole. He has been reporting the marriage breakup for years. He alternates between her being a sexless ice queen or a nyphomaniac.

  12. Paint Chips6:56 AM

    Maybe it's for that movie The Silent Wife. I read the book and Nicole just seems way too old for the part.

  13. You seriously think this really happened? Stop it.

  14. Patrick11:40 AM

    She's a "name." Or, the guy she banged had a crush on her from way back in the day. There are several famous women with whom I'd shoot the satin rapids, despite me not being all that attracted to them. It would be a cool story and would impress my d-bag "friends." Also, there area plethora of women who I used to have a huge crush on that I would just wreck. For old times sake.

  15. Patrick1:37 PM

    Academy Awards mean nothing outside of LA, NYC (Island of Manhattan and Williamsburg only), and London. I'm not going to go see a movie just because someone in it won an Oscar. Sure, there are some winners whose films I'm always interested in seeing, but that is a short list. Even them, I'm not a completist. Once upon a time, winning an Oscar moved you to A list, permanently. But really? Is anyone rushing out to see whatever Tomei is in now? And that is true for lots of people. There are some legends that aren't really A-list right now. Honestly, right now there are probably less than 10 true a-list actors/actresses in the world. And I'd further venture a guess that 10-20 is the max at any given time.

  16. Hothotheat4:10 PM

    It wouldn't surprise me, Nicole.

  17. Molly6:34 PM

    I hope it was for "Queen of the Desert". lol

  18. No idiot is gonna believe this Enty. C'mon. Nicole has not had to casting couch for years.

  19. Sitara2:41 AM

    He's too in love with his sober coach to even care!

  20. Studio5412:45 PM

    I don't think of her as any great actress, despite the award. She married Cruise, and that was how she became noticed. That, and she is about 10 lbs. heavier than Rancic. Both are unnaturally thin, that's what I notice more than her acting.

    The last thing I saw her in was on Lifetime, as Princess Grace, and I didn't see any acting ability displayed there.

  21. Snarknado4:52 PM

    Count Jerkula Jr.

  22. Penelope21:24 AM

    I believe it. Unless you can open a movie with huge numbers, awards don't matter, and female stars today still do it even when they are a success. And Nicole Kidman still stuns, she's only 48 and just googled her, she looks hot.
