Friday, April 22, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

February 24, 2016

This former Housewife is ticking everyone off on her new show. She thinks she should get the majority of camera time and the crew hates her because of the constant demands. She recently hired an assistant who spends her entire day asking for things from the crew for the former Housewife.

NeNe Leakes


  1. Elle B2:05 AM

    whether or not it's true, nene shouldn't be on the show anymore because she's awful on it. she's not funny.

  2. Kno Won Uno2:08 AM

    NeNe Leakes is another person whose appeal I never got. I don't find her even a tiny bit interesting, amusing, or original in any way.
    Each to their own.

  3. Derek Harvey2:10 AM

    she is still a Housewife---she wouldn't know how to do anything else...

  4. Derek Harvey2:11 AM

    she was fun the first couple of seasons but let the hype get to her head---now she is insufferable..

  5. El Prez2:14 AM

    I have yet to figure out how there is a viewing market for her.

  6. Kno Won Uno2:16 AM

    So she believed her own press. What a dumbass.

  7. Kno Won Uno2:16 AM

    It's beginning to look like there isn't.

  8. So, if I dye my hair an od color, act or treat others badly, I will get a reality TV show?
    No, I think I will pass, thank you.
    I mean I am entitled to it!
    So hire a film crew (you pay for it) to follow my every move; and, then edit it to look like I am accomplishing something (only important to me) every day.

  9. od = odd
    If only I had a Reality TV contract, I could hire an assistant to proofread my posts!

  10. Derek Harvey2:36 AM

    I LOVED Potomac---it was different---and those ladies are CRAZY

  11. Studio544:20 AM

    She is vile and looks like a she-male. No wonder Miss Andy likes her so much.

  12. marlo1:17 AM

    she's garbage
