Sunday, April 03, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 4, 2016

This married A+ list mostly movie actor told a woman a couple of weeks ago that if she slept with hi friend that he would have sex with her after. He didn’t. Apparently he tells that to lots of women to get his friends women they could never otherwise land.

Channing Tatum


  1. And those women keep on falling for it.

  2. Kibble1:44 AM

    Who is his friend?

  3. NoseyNeighbor1:57 AM

    Nice friend.

  4. Zilla12:01 AM

    Jonah Hill, most likely.

  5. AyyyPapi2:12 AM

    Channing Tatum - The ultimate bro.

  6. Shut Up!2:13 AM

    As gross as Jonah Hill is I think he's famous enough to get women on his own.

  7. Christine2:16 AM

    His scheme wouldn't work if women werent so desperate. At what point do we stop pointing fingers at slimy celebs and start pointing them at the equally slimy women who encourage and enable their slime.

  8. Sadie2:25 AM

    All these A listers are surrounded by their entourages, who partially hang on to inherit the A lister's castoffs.

  9. luvprue12:34 AM

    How naive is the woman that believes that. It's also very degrading. I like Channing Tatu but he's not all that . He's not
    as young ,nor as cute as he use to be.

  10. detnow3593:09 AM

    The women should realize he'd rather sleep with their brothers, not them.

  11. majik8bong3:17 AM

    Starf*ckers get no sympathy from me.

  12. ellie4:23 AM

    +infinity! I don't have low enough self esteem to ever fall for those slimy celeb tactics. How stupid do you have to be to think you're special? You're just another hole.

  13. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:45 AM

    So a kindness one to start the day. Good.

  14. I was at a film festival last night when some guy was on the red carpet who did look somewhat familar. I still don't know who he was but he's older and he acted when he was a kid. These 20ish girls passing by recognized him but also couldn't remember his name or work, but his face. They hovered around like a bad odor trying to get to this guy. Who has to be 60. Even though they didn't know exactly who he was. Desperate for any connection to anyone with any degree of 'fame'

  15. June Gordon6:29 AM

    I fell for a con like this. Daddy told me he would get me tickets to Fabian if I did. I never saw me no tickets.

    After the 24th or 25 time I told Daddy I wanted to seem them tickets up front. Or I was going to tell Mommy.

    That put a stop to them shenanigans. For a day or two. I did get to stay up an watch Jonny Carson one night.

  16. Gookie7:51 AM

    Do you blame him? He's A+ list. Why should he have sloppy seconds? :/


  18. Hell yes! Agreed! And try don't get called out because of feminism and slut shaming. Which is fucking ridiculous. If it looks like a duck, talks like a duck, fucks other ducks husbands? I mean...

  19. texasrose11:27 AM

    In this day and age of social media this wouldn't seem to be a great move by a married guy.

  20. If you believe Tatum would take Jonah's sloppy seconds, then you deserve what you get.

  21. Shalene1:12 PM

    That's terrible. No class in Him if honestly does that. What dumbass would fall for that? I think I hate the women more. It's a toss up

  22. Penelope24:34 AM

    If you're so desperate to sleep with a married man that you'd sleep with his friend first, you deserve it.

    And Channing is a dog, so you know he's passing on them because they are ugly but his friend will take them.
