Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 5, 2016

This ultimate celebrity offspring was the darling of the tabloids before there was an internet. She is so secretive that she had a child with her husband a few years ago and only a few dozen people even know. That could change if they decide to send the child to school rather than have tutors brought in.

Athina Onassis


  1. Ex-football fan1:51 AM

    Totally forgot about her existance!

  2. Kno Won Uno1:57 AM

    Ooh, this is a really great tidbit.There are no children listed for her anywhere. Athina is Ari Onasis' last surviving [public] descendant.

  3. ..and she inherited a massive fortune upon her mom's demise.
    Glad to hear she finally has privacy.

  4. Sarah2:29 AM

    Congratulations Athina! I'm happy for her!

  5. justine3:02 AM

    The world's truly wealthy lead very private lives, they don't do reality tv or US Weekly covers.

  6. TopperMadison4:24 AM

    Very true. And their world is very, very small.

  7. Brooklyn Girl4:58 AM

    Good for her, she's living her life on her own terms. I think it's great.

  8. Dutch6:11 AM

    That is just too weird. Isn't her husband a much older man who divorced his wife to marry Athina and her money?

  9. Lynne6:49 AM

    And Athina Onassis is a Greek-French heiress with an estimated net worth of $1 billion. Christ.

    I am going to bed. Life is shit.

  10. Penelope27:08 AM

    He's older, had two kids with a woman who committed suicide because she couldn't stand that she lost her children to him (they lived with him in his wealthier new life). I think he saw money and a very, very young sheltered girl (wasn't Athina 17 when she met him? He got his claws in her and wouldn't let go for years, marrying her at 21, and I think he was 32 or so). Creepo.

  11. Well, they've been married for ten years now so apparently it's working for them.

  12. Cupcakes4all9:28 AM

    wow, she has to hide her kid?? eyeroll.

    she snatched that old circus guy from his family, smdh.
    I had NO idea that she committed suicide, wowwww.


    they get what they want don't they. wonder if he is really worth it or she turns her head to his infidelities. Men have really come up in this century.

    they need nothing but their package now days.

  13. I bumped into Jackie at a party years ago. When I saw her, I had to ask, "Do you remember where you were when....?"
