Monday, April 11, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 22, 2016

I am going to go ahead and give this foreign born singer, permanent A list status. You could argue he isn’t because he has not released anything in forever or performed in forever either. All of that non work while maintaining his spending habits has left him broke. So, he wants to perform. Doctors said if he pushes too hard he will end up killing himself. I think he wants the money so will go on tour.

George Michael


  1. Guesser2:05 AM

    He has been in some type of live in treatment facility for over a year I hope he is doing better.Given that his problems are well Known even if he doesn't talk about it, he likely wouldn't be insurable for a tour. Given your other ratings, he is certainly at least A list.

  2. Kno Won Uno2:19 AM

    I agree and I feel like he deserves PermA, as well. But Enty readily admits that people move up & down the list depending on whether or not he likes them.

  3. mariaj2:21 AM

    Come on, George, i wish you all the best.

  4. sandybrook2:25 AM

    He's probably a permanent A lister. You go George reform WHAM! and get paid.

  5. George Michael in the late 80s was the hottest ticket in town. And he had enormous talent! He reminds me a lot of Freddie Mercury who also had the complete package. No pun intended. Their sexual excesses are legend. One died because of it and the other is ill because of it. I still get the same chill when I hear Faith as I did long ago. All of Queen's videos are classic and will withstand the test of time for many more generations of pop music lovers. Forty miles of sad.

  6. Guesser4:58 AM

    Treatment for HIV and it's related diseases is way more advanced than when Freddie died. If he takes care of himself, he might live a normal life. But he seems to be on that track with the long term treatment.

  7. NoseyNeighbor11:12 AM

    +1 here

  8. NoseyNeighbor11:13 AM

