Blind Item #7
This foreign born A- list mostly television actor from a hit almost network show has been spending so much time away from his wife that I'm not sure you could call it a marriage any longer. She is telling friends it is over.
This foreign born A- list mostly television actor from a hit almost network show has been spending so much time away from his wife that I'm not sure you could call it a marriage any longer. She is telling friends it is over.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:30 AM
Labels: blind item
stephen amell
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for the shippers to latch onto this one /s
ReplyDeleteHe's been hanging around a lot with WWE and hot divas.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't know who half these people were without you guys.
ReplyDeleteThis is like Gossip School for me.
Ok, I'm not the only one asking who the hell is this ...
ReplyDeleteEnty is riding the shark hard.
Come sit by me in the back row against the wall. It's Friday, which often means TrollFest!
ReplyDeleteI might have Doritos.
I always try to remember to check in later on Fridays to get a good laugh!
ReplyDeleteEvery time I see in a blind, "She/he is telling friends.." I think, "No they're not. They are telling a backstabby, selling-out-their-friend-for-a-buck hobbit."
ReplyDeleteStephen Amell
ReplyDeleteStephen Amell. It hasn't been a marriage for months or even last year if you even really want to call it a marriage more like just friends.
ReplyDeleteAre we sure this isn't David Tennant? He's on another extended job in the US.
ReplyDeleteStephen Amell
ReplyDeleteStephen Amell and his off putting wife
ReplyDeleteStephen Amell - just waiting for the annoucment at this point.
ReplyDeleteThis is why you don't marry young, good looking guys with money.
ReplyDeleteStephen Amell - hope he gets with his Arrow costar instead. They're hot together.
ReplyDeleteYet another blind implying that it's Stephen Amell. Not buying until I see solid confirmation. Why would she be telling friends that they've split if they're still posting pictures on social media to suggest otherwise?
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like Stephen Amell - but like Chloe I won't believe it until we see some kind of proof or confirmation. Him and his wife seem like a family with no intention of splitting any time soon from their social media.
ReplyDeleteStephen Amell lmao. It has to be. He's the only one with a sketchy marriage, inwardly and out. Something weird about his marriage idk what, wouldn't be shocked if it was him. I'd love for tangible proof tho.
ReplyDeleteHave to agree. His marriage seems so forced and staged. It's ironic because he does a better job of pretending to be in love with his costar on arrow. Not suggesting anything but it is funny that he has to try so hard to sell his real life marriage but little effort is required to fake being in love onscreen ????.
ReplyDeleteSeriously enty. Give it a rest with these stupid blinds about Stephen. Emily's already started getting a load of hate because of this fiction you keep writing about. What do you think you're going to achieve from this? It's unfair to everyone involved.
ReplyDeleteHaha Amell and his wife have the most transparent 'weekend-marriage-for-publicity' deal I've ever seen.
ReplyDeleteWouldn't surprise me tbh dude just told the whole world and it's wife his best kiss is his co star instead of picking an actual screen kiss. Blush much.
ReplyDeleteStephen Amell. Want to see proof tho
ReplyDeleteYeh that wont happen. At least not till movie PR is over.
ReplyDeleteIf he has actually split from his wife, he might as well go ahead and announce it because his social media mentions are an absolute shambles at the moment. Katie Cassidy fans are on the attack and are looking for every reason to drag Emily into his messy marriage.
ReplyDeleteI was gobsmacked when he was asked what his best kiss was and he replied with his co stars name. He had a multitude of kisses from a lot of shows but he named her not a kiss. On an interview while promoting himself and his new movie. Too quickly answered for her not to at least be in some corner of his mind.
ReplyDeleteSo we have all these rumours about a split and people (bitter laurel fans) calling Emily a homewrecker and Stephen is just turning a blind eye to all of it? If he's faking this happily married nonsense just for PR's sake than he's even more a p**** than I thought. It's a cowardly thing to do. He's just making the entire situation worse.
ReplyDeleteWell he does kiss her the most so it would be kind of offensive not to say her name. If you follow him on snapchat he did say he misses his family right after he finished presenting at the movie awards. Obviously he still has his wife and child on his mind.
ReplyDeleteHe was asked best kiss not best kisser. Then he snapchats with his baby while his wife is off with friends. I am not saying there is anything going is just odd that he dosnt see his fam all wk then they do different things when they have a little time. It wont be hard for people to get the wrong idea.
ReplyDeleteok I didn't know all of that. But I'm still not convinced about anything. Stephen & Emily remind of Kate & Leo. Two insanely attractive people who are clearly attracted to each other & everyone wants them together but it just isn't meant to be. I think Stephen is going to amp up the wife mentions once filming of arrow is done and he's back in LA. It boggles my mind why he even bothers because most people know she's a total pain in the ass but he has way too much pride to kick her to the curb. She's very lucky that she got pregnant very quickly. His daughter secured her meal ticket.
ReplyDeleteGod, I HOPE this is true. His wife comes across as a banal bore who appears to use social media exclusively to moan, brag or offer ill-informed nutritional advice. She rarely publicly supports any of his work projects or charitable endeavours and seemingly lives in a different country to him, requiring him to travel extensively to spend limited time with his kid. Wouldn't blame the dude for getting his elsewhere!
ReplyDeleteWell since you've said it out loud, her 2 fans LOVE to lurk about on these sites and inform her about what people think of her, so she will no doubt throw out some messages of support to him! As if on cue, she seems to randomly appear at times when people believe her to be out of the picture. I would love it if he had the balls to leave her as well but his daughter is probably the main reason why he can't. Such a shame because it's clear as day that she uses his name & fame to get by in life.
ReplyDeleteWell if she does now Claire, we'll know why :)
ReplyDeleteIf this blind ever gets revealed and it's not who we all speculate I will be shocked. The wife is having a party with friends while he is having a blast with the crew after telling an interviewer he only hangs with married cast lol. Best bit everyone is slaughtered and yet no pic of him and Co star hanging. If they are just why not.
ReplyDeleteEnty, I know you have much to reveal about it. Why you are waiting so long? Please do not hide anything, reveal everything. We need to make sure, you can give us?
ReplyDeleteStephen Amell, everyone knows that he is the most likely. Enty, please reveal this blind as fast, we need certainty, not speculation.
ReplyDeleteStephen Amell
ReplyDeleteEnty, please. Tell something about the marriage of Stephen Amell. It is real or just a convenience for the film? We are in huge doubts and endless. Emily is waiting for him all this time or have given up?
ReplyDeleteEnty, you said that Em/ily had sex with Ste/ve. This may have happened again? They are at the same time in New York. She was in a VS store to buy lingerie. She spent the night without friends, on Thursday, after the upfronts. He went to see the turtles movies, then disappeared as well. Something tells me that they were repeating the dose? Post more details about what you know! please.
ReplyDeleteEnty honestly do not know if you read everything you post. Hope so. I can not stand it have my opinions and questions and not get anything in return. I just wish you publish something. It need not be anything significant, if you can not reveal names. But I need something to keep believing in you. Do not let me down. Post something about Stephen and Emily. I know you have a lot of media involved. I know he is in a unique professional moment, and that may be why we still do not have our answers. But try to be faithful to his followers. We need to believe in them as a couple. I refuse to believe that they are just friends, after so much evidence and after all you've said on its website. I refuse to believe him to be happy in this marriage. Not after so repulsed by his wife in photos and videos, even he wanting to appear to have a happy family in front of the cameras for the film. Yes, I'm tired and I no longer like to believe you if he wishes to say otherwise with these attitudes. Do something, if you want my respect as a reader. Help me understand all this. That's all I ask. thanks
ReplyDeleteEnty, please. Do not leave us in this cruel doubt. If Stephen is separating even post something about, you do not have to disclose the names if you can not. Just need to know if he still will divorce or if he changed his mind and that happy wedding staged in front of the cameras is real. All say that behind the cameras he can not even look at his wife. How can he continue with this lie? Emily is still waiting for him? I do not understand this strange relationship. He is married to continue the film or Green Card? PLEASE!!!!
ReplyDeleteEnty, you revealed tons of blinds, but I'm still here waiting the blind that the superhero tv show actor is getting a divorce. Please, reveal this blind
ReplyDeleteIf you revealed that Stephen and Emily hooked up, what's the problem revealing that he is divorcing his wife to be with Emily?
Enty revela logo essa porra. E as fotos que você tem de stemily saindo junto? Por que não libera também? Ao menos diga se ele tá reconstruindo o casamento e desistiu do divórcio, ou se você só está esperando passar 3 de junho para revelar tudo
ReplyDeleteEnty, Stephen posted a picture today with his "wife" ... Could you please post some blind talking if they are trying to reconciliation? You mentioned divorce, spoke in his intimate relations with Emily .. but his actions show otherwise. In front of the cameras. I do not believe that "marriage" but if they are trying something to remake the relationship publish about it. Please! Thanks.