Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Blind Item #7

This A+ list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee has been staying in a hotel for what seems like months. Probably easier for her considering the maid who cleans her room also supplies her drugs. Our actress never leaves the hotel until the maid stops by.


  1. Derek Harvey1:30 AM

    j laW

  2. Kno Won Uno1:33 AM

    I was thinking St Ange, who's pictured in the DM for the first time in a loong time. Probably both.

  3. Kno Won Uno1:41 AM

    OT: Manziel indicted on assault charge.
    Bye, Felicia!

  4. ettacettera1:44 AM

    All that public apartment hunting--JLaw makes sense

  5. I'm more interested in the name of the hotel.

  6. Poops1:56 AM

    Lol. She's been pictured by fans in London for weeks now, ever since the family moved there for Brad's movie. Too bad DM didnt dig up the public fan photos for you huh.

  7. back again2:05 AM

    I was surprised that Enty didn't start off with that Manziel Indictment or....
    **Zac Effron & Sami M. Breaking Up**--- god knows he loves the hits from the stans.

  8. Derek Harvey2:11 AM


    Now THAT'S customer service

  9. Kibble2:33 AM

    She often stays at the Greenwich Hotel ....

  10. AndrewBW2:57 AM

    Fifty CDAN readers just made reservations.

  11. Ladylaw6:26 AM

    Are there 50 of us? Seems a stretch.

  12. James8:26 AM

    Doesn't Jenn have a house in L.A. which she never seems to be in. Jenn if you need a house sitter let me know

  13. Kibble9:54 AM

    Oh snap! :P

  14. Hot Cola10:24 AM


  15. Bubbles11:56 AM

    OT, but is it just me or has Enty not posted any Prince blinds or reveals? Find it odd considering the word on the real reason of his death as opposed to the one they're trying to sell the public.

  16. Susan1:01 PM

    What are 'stans'?

  17. Yeah, right. Enty is the same nitwit who claimed that both Jennifer Lawrence and Anne Hathaway were going blind, that both Kristen Stewart and Emma Stone had horrible drug problems, etc.,...

    Translation: Successful women are targeted with bogus stories because they are successful.

    Just wondering...is this another crazy Nick Hoult fan-source, or another actress trying desperately to get a meeting for a part that Jennifer Lawrence already has locked down?. Another minion sent from Disney??.

    It has always been B.S. and always will.

  18. Enty is a bottom feeder but it's also those people that simply don't like Jennifer Lawrence that continue to trash her, guess that it must be her in all these types of BIs. I mean, there are plenty of A+ list Academy Award winning actresses staying in hotels for long periods of time but the people who post here will always guess that it is Jennifer Lawrence. Strange lives you people lead-you do this everyday and it's pathetic.

    Highly likely, it is another BI pulled out of his ass. Meanwhile, the people who post here EVERYDAY make me wonder if this is all they have to there lives. If so, how sad and depressing.

  19. back again11:07 PM

    Hey there @ Susan, a 'stan' is an overzealous fan of a celebrity.Eminem pretty much started the term with his Song "Stan".
    -it's a slang term for someone's who's between a fan & a stalker of a certain celebrity.

  20. You don't know my life.

  21. Fabricated BI like almost every gossip in this site

  22. mariaj6:01 AM

    I find more depressing that there are people that comment on it. Funny is, most of this kind of people are butthurt fans that don't like their " idol" is being the subject of unpleasant gossip.

  23. SororSalsa12:06 PM

    Aka the BeyHive, Navy, Beliebers, etc.
