Monday, April 18, 2016

Blind Item #4 - Coachella

This foreign born permanent A list mostly movie actor who only does small parts in franchises now cheated on his girlfriend and used his son as cover. Nothing like telling the girlfriend you are going to spend some precious father/son time together, but use a VIP room to have sex with a couple of women instead.


  1. MontanaMarriott12:31 AM


  2. MontanaMarriott12:32 AM

  3. Hmmm...
    In the pictures of Arnold and his illegitimate son, they "look" so similar.
    In pictures of his "legitimate" son with Maria, they don't look very much alike.
    Makes me wonder....just saying without saying....

  4. Derek Harvey12:39 AM

    Arnold and Partick Schwarzanager

  5. Derek Harvey12:51 AM

    LOL I cant picture Ahhhnold being there. BTW Flower crowns are OUT this year and chokers are IN. Tay-Tay tweeted so....Mine is made of pearls and designed by Bella Hadids umbrella carrier ...

  6. Kno Won Uno1:07 AM

    The basic rule applies - if you were alive for and participated in a previous cycle of any trend, you should not participate in subsequent cycles of that trend. I wore chokers in the last cycle, so I'm out.
    Taylor can blow me, her hair looks like shit.

  7. Marianne1:40 AM

    lmafo.....I'm sure it's lovely Derek

  8. Kibble2:18 AM

    Trends are for lemmings.

    Style is comatose and barely hanging on, darling, it's hooked up to a life support machine.

    And yes, Taylor's hair is horrid! Not enough clear photos, but her face looks different, so maybe hair color cover up for "facial work"? Dunno. Her Vogue cover and pictorial were bland and boring, as usual.

  9. Kno Won Uno2:58 AM

    YES! Her face does look different!
    It's an excellent strategy.

  10. Lurky McLurkster3:08 AM

    If Taylor is giving out BJs, I will take one next.

  11. Malibuborebee5:07 AM

    My first thought with that wretched hair - it's cover for Botox and a little "refinement" to the features.

    They always change their hair when they get work done on their faces, like we won't notice. Then, as sure as the sun rises in the East, some fangirl will start screeching about how it's the hair, makeup and lighting, definitely NOT surgery. Duh.

  12. texasrose7:53 AM

    Just the thought of anyone over 40 being at Coachella is nauseating.

  13. anna from savannah9:06 AM

    Uh, Texas Rose, I promise not to take your comment personally, but this 74 year old granny is there NOW! Banged a certain legend under the stage last night! There may be snow on the roof, but the furnace is still working!

  14. Hot Cola9:45 AM

    Ha! @ kno well said.
    (And tyler can blow me, she is shit)

  15. Stardust1:04 PM

    Is this a blind within a blind?

  16. Snarknado6:51 PM

    You made a previous comment that you were enormously fat now. Was this legend Stevie Wonder?

  17. Snarknado6:52 PM

    Can't stop laughing!!!!!

  18. Jetsanna11:46 PM

    Texasrose, at what age do you plan to stop liking music? Because I guess I should have stopped quite awhile ago. Still go to festivals at age 53. Why do all you young folks want to see all those old guys on stage anyway?
