Saturday, April 09, 2016

Blind Item #3

I don't know who invented this whole decoy game, but its getting old. This A list celebrity from that reality family and has a side project tried the decoy route when trying to convince everyone she is dating that boy bander guy.


  1. Derek Harvey2:30 AM

    kendal and harry styles

  2. Zilla12:31 AM

    Kenduhll Jenner

  3. sandybrook2:31 AM

    Kendull and any guy

  4. Lipstick lesbian Ken-Doll and Fem-Dream Harry.

  5. Kno Won Uno4:16 AM

    I'm really interested in where all these talentless hucksters will be in 20 years. Maybe someone will clue me in at a seance.

  6. Shut Up!4:28 AM

    Harry Styles and Kendall Jenner. Why not just write a piece about them fake dating instead of coming up with a dopey blind.

  7. 20 years?! Are you serious?! Try three. After the earthquake hits, pretty much all of SF and LA will be ruined. No more KUWTKs, no Kanye fashion shows, no more blind items, no more million dollar LA and SF listings. Those multi-million hilltop mansions will slide into the sea, the parking lot below, or someone else's mansion. No more drag racing in hopped-up cars, no more rich Persians, Arabs, Russians, et al. No more problems about the upkeep of their pools. Ta Da! Mother nature takes care of everything! So don't worry about 20 years KWU! That is way too long term.

  8. Dead (from overdoses), in jail, riddled with STD's/addiction issues & still trying to hang on to their notoriety. Some might get their shit together, get an education & become decent citizens... but I wouldn't bet on it.

  9. I hope all of this comes true.

  10. Kendall and Harry... Don't know what enty means by decoy,maybe that lovers vacation was actually a vagcation?

  11. Studio543:27 PM

    They've been predicting the big one out there in California for my entire life. That's why I never moved out there, and it never happened.

  12. Studio543:30 PM

    I believe that phony St. Barts "romantic" vacation with Kendall and Harry was a PMK publicity stunt. She was there herself and then invited Harry's mother, like the two just got engaged. I don't think Kendall is gay, I just think she hasn't met any guys she likes yet.

  13. Lola-loves-ned5:02 AM

    Gigi Hadid and zayn Malik, her family is trying very hard to be the next kardasians . They are both rumored to be gay so it's a pr plus bearding relationship
