Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Blind Item #3

This foreign born A-/B+ list mostly movie comic actress was at dinner the other night with friends and would not stop trashing one of her recent co-stars in a movie that bombed at the box office. The co-star is the A-/B+ list mostly movie actress offspring of celebrities. The trashing literally went on for 30 minutes.


  1. Zilla112:07 AM

    Rebel Wilson?

  2. Zilla112:11 AM

    Co star Dakota Johnson, How To Be Single

  3. buh bye12:18 AM

    Rebel Wilson and Dakota Johnson

  4. lemon swizzle12:25 AM

    Rebel > Dakota


  5. Sounds like Rebel Wilson and Dakota Johnson, but it didn't bomb at the box office. It wasn't a blockbuster, but not a flop either. It was very funny too.

  6. WAllen12:30 AM

    How much longer until Rebel's 15 minutes are up?

  7. Zilla112:42 AM

    It barely made back its money and didn't get very good reviews.

  8. Rebel/Dakota. Wasn't there a blind about them not doing press together. No one knows how anyone is in real life, but as far as acting goes, my money's on Dakota. Rebel is always cast as the funny sidekick, that's only going to go so far.

  9. Dutch3:45 AM

    Rebel's not wrong. Dakota is famous because of her parents.......and because she looks like the author of 50 shades, that's why she was hired. An old woman lives vicariously through her.

  10. Nah. I've seen Rebel act and I've seen Dakota act. One of them has longevity and range. And the other one is Rebel Wilson.

    Dakota may be dull as dishwater in real life, but she does have chops regardless of who her parents are. Dakota gets consistent compliments from those she works with for being professional.

    Rebel, from what I know of her reputation in the industry , is kind of starting to turn into a douchebag. (see: Melissa McCarthy) She needs to reign that shit in if she wants to continue working because there's always another one just like her waiting around the corner to take her place once her schtick wears thin and her ego gets too big. Hopefully she is saving her money.

    And, no, I've never seen Fifty Shades and don't plan to. Not a Fifty fanboy.

  11. rebel wilson is 37yo "ingenue".....

  12. Well, she's been going strong for half a decade now. I'd say you've got some time to wait yet.

  13. SkittleKitty7:50 AM

    I liked Dakota in "Ben and Kate", her short-lived sitcom. I think she does have talent.
    I also like Rebel Wilson, but I feel she lacks range.
