Thursday, April 14, 2016

Blind Item #2

I'm hearing there were no overnight activities for this A- list mostly television actress on a decent network show who also "sings" and ended a long reality run. The overnight activities would have occurred when she was picking up a massive paycheck for "singing." Apparently though she did give a topless lap dance to the host that lasted about ten minutes for which she received $100K. Her music of course was in the background.


  1. Derek Harvey11:46 PM

    jennifer lopez

  2. sandybrook11:46 PM


  3. Derek Harvey11:49 PM

    One TV show and now she is a mostly TV actress?

  4. sandybrook11:56 PM

    she's spent most of her past few years on tv, judging and shit. I think she only did one movie this decade. :/

  5. Kno Won Uno11:56 PM

    It seems like she's had or appeared on a bunch of shows - but she's also done a lot of [pretty crappy] movies.

  6. Canadian fakin'11:57 PM

    Derek Harvey trolls himself for attention. He told me when I worked with him. Stop defending him because that is what he wants. He gets off on people feeling sorry for him. He mocks people who comment on Cdan for being stupid, fat Americans who are dumb to believe he's a sort of victim of the most mild harassment you'll ever see (cause he's the one doing it, duh)! ==the more you know☆

  7. Derek Harvey11:59 PM

    Her crappy movies are ALWAYS on TV. SO ANNOYING.
    Shall We Dance
    The Wedding Planner
    Maid in Manhattan

    I have never sat through one...

  8. AndrewBW12:01 AM

    But who was her host?

  9. AndrewBW12:36 AM

    Also, I would not turn down a topless lap dance from Jennifer Lopez. Although I can't afford to pay $100K for it. Obvs.

  10. Amy baby12:56 AM

    Does that mean that mean as sings or singing have quotation marks that she is that MVO person, Or whatever the acronym is, Enty has never used it to my knowledge with Britney...

  11. Amy baby1:00 AM

    Her real singing voice?

  12. Amy baby1:07 AM

    Someone else mentioned this, in the I'm real song there are 2 versions, this is one of them:

    Here is the other:

    The first is the lady who did sing most of the JLos songs... The second is JLo, even with auto tune or back up singers it is 2 different women singing

  13. Derek Harvey1:14 AM

    It has been hinted as a reveal that MV is J-Lo. I think it is but half the people here swear it is Britney. I would put my money on J-Lo though. Although neither answers would be "shocking" the way OG Enty has made it out to be. "Shocking" would be like Mariah Carey or Whitney...

  14. blahblah2:35 AM

    Most here don't give one fuck for Derek's manic nonsense. There's only one here who does give him virtual rim jobs (boreme) but I suspect it's only so he doesn't turn on her too. I think the rest are on to it

  15. Cindy2:58 AM

    I think this is the second blind recently where he put JLo's singing in quotations. My money is on her as well. But I do agree this wouldnt SHOCK me in the way enty thinks it would. Whitney or Mariah yes that is shocking. Jlo eh not so much.

  16. Probably had to dance topless to get his attention away from her lip singing. Brittany had to sing on the Mickey Mouse club and I doubt they'd hire her if she couldn't sing, plus her singing voice sounds like her speaking voice. Guess we have to wait until black Friday to find out!

  17. Derek Harvey4:52 AM

    Yeah it really appears that way...IDK what comment section you are reading--and since when does some dumb troll who switches user names every 5 minutes have the right to speak on the behalf other readers and commentors?? SO DUMB. I am beyond "on to you"--I have already called you out a dozen times...Newsflash No ONE cares...

  18. Cheesy4:52 AM

    Someone else mentioned this, in the I'm real song there are 2 versions, this is one of them:

    Here is the other:

    The first is the lady who did sing most of the JLos songs... The second is JLo, even with auto tune or back up singers it is 2 different women singing

  19. Cheesy4:54 AM

    There is 2 versions of the song I'm real, one with her in the video on a motor bike the other with ja rule, both are doing by different people, the difference in voices is amazing

  20. byebyebad5:23 AM

    this is what she has to do now that she isnt in her prime of popularity. sorry jenny.

  21. 100K for 10 min lap dance at the party? im green from envy.

  22. TheCousinEddy9:03 AM

    I wish that host was me... Anybody want to loan a traveling RV dweller $100K to make my "JLo topless lap dance" dreams come true? I'll pay you back; I pinky promise!

  23. texasrose11:13 AM

    Probably some Sheikh or banana republic dictator.

  24. back again2:50 PM

    I liked "Out Of Sight"....Steve Zahn cracked me up.

  25. I swear I thought Enty said JLo was A+ but maybe it's "A+ in her own mind"
