Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Blind Item #2

This will be the end of him. Bye bye money from contract. Apparently this A+ list NFL athlete was convinced by his girlfriend to pick up the tab for some recording she wants to do and to buy some songs. She had a very tiny budget and feels like she deserves way more so she got him to pay. Now she is running up his tab.


  1. Derek Harvey11:49 PM

    ciara and russel wilson

  2. sandybrook11:50 PM

    Ciara and Russell Wilson

  3. sandybrook11:52 PM

    He has an $87 million dollar contract and current net worth of $14 million he can cover this.

  4. Kno Won Uno12:08 AM

    How will this be the end of him? Is he buying her her own label?
    Enty, Y U so spazz?

  5. Weenuk1:30 AM

    Ciara and Russell are engaged?

  6. Marianne3:47 AM

    Now wait a second here I thought all NFL players were gay....oh ya that's right, nope he's gay, lol

  7. Whywhywhy???3:48 AM

    If she is this happy with Russell, she should be able to mention her "baby daddy" name without any drama.
