Monday, April 11, 2016

Blind Item #2

This foreign born A list mostly movie actor can do everything from action to singing. He is also desperately in the closet. He did pay a pap to take photos of him enjoying some time with his wife though to make her happy and to try and get people to believe he is straight. No one buys it.


  1. sandybrook11:46 PM

    Hugh Jackman but it's so obvious it is probably someonee else

  2. sandybrook11:49 PM

    Ace are you playing the role of Entern today? (if this gets deleted, the answer is YES)

  3. Leave poor Hugh alone.

  4. lemon swizzle11:53 PM

    I think it's mean to be Hugh. I don't know what his relationship with his wife is based on, but they do seem very happy together and adore their kids.

  5. Kno Won Uno11:57 PM

    .......and the pics are in the DM if anyone cares. Jackman & wife celebrating wedding anniversary, frolicking in the surf.

  6. French girl12:03 AM

    Read DM's commentaries about HJ/wife pics yesterday and you 'll see that many believe

  7. Derek Harvey12:24 AM

    They seem to truly love each other---in some capacity or another..

  8. Will Smith

  9. mariaj12:33 AM

    " .and the pics are in the DM if anyone cares."

    What is " Dm" if i may ask?

  10. Barbara12:48 AM

    The Daily Mail. Many, if not most, of these blinds correspond with bits in the Daily Mail.

  11. mariaj12:49 AM

    thanks, darling

  12. Cumberbatch

  13. It is possible to have a gay/lesbian married life. Hugh and his wife have known each other for years. They live in NYC with their children and are often seen on the street riding their bikes and scooters together. I have never read a story in any publication about their having bitter fights or being disrespectful to each other. He has friends, she has hers. It is none of our business what they do when the camera is off. I wish people would leave them alone. He is a really gifted actor, singer, dancer. We should be thrilled to have them living here.

  14. I don't think Hugh is gay. I think the rumors started because his wife is older and average looking.

  15. HH3142:37 AM

    He's ours and Australians can suck it. It is Hugh and I adore him, gay or not

  16. He posted a picture of their wedding on their anniversary recently and back then he was definitely the less attractive of the two.

  17. Hugh is a great guy.

  18. Malibuborebee4:23 AM

    Thrilled to have them living here?

    Um.. yeah, whatever.

  19. Malibuborebee4:24 AM

    No, he's definitely gay. Remember John Palermo?

  20. Malibuborebee4:28 AM

    I'm a huge fan of Jackman's. I've seen his wife in a few Aussie movies and she was very good.

    That said, I'll never forget the blind (was it blind?) where some neighbor could see into their apartment and said Mr and Mrs. Jackman were never affectionate in private - all business/parenting and just friends.

    He's definitely gay, I have no idea whether she is but the two of them have what I would call a successful marriage.

  21. hello darling4:46 AM


    I agree derek. There are some marriage setups like this that seem totally wacky to others...but the truth is, if they are both happy and love each other dearly (even platonically) and love their child, want the best for her the same...then hell thats a better setup than any vanilla system of marriage!

    also, sorry that asshole keeps stalking you in the comments. I havent been on cdan long enough to know the history but that person has a looooooot of time on their hands. hope they spend some of it going to therapy.

  22. Derek Harvey5:00 AM

    Thanks! I have been posting a couple of years---when the site changed format many users went on to another site--then some trolls go from here to there and are bitter of the posters that have decided to stick to this one. And yeah annoying-and annoys everyone else as well---they just don't get that it doesn't truly bother me---just takes up space wastes readers times etc

  23. nancer5:17 AM

    must be jackman but pictures of him with his wife are very common. they're together a lot.

    i knew a couple where she was straight but pretty muchh asexual, and he was gay but in a position where he couldn't come out. they adopted one child. (this was in the 80's.) she died at 41, and he came out later. but they were very happy, loved each other in their own way and were completely devoted to each other. so who cares?

  24. Fireflies2:29 PM


  25. Fireflies3:07 PM

    Nevermind. Jackman.

  26. Layla6:16 PM

    If they're gay/lesbian married, then they're an extraordinarily physically affectionate one.
