Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Blind Item #11

Another celebrity marriage that is on the rocks is kind of surprising. I honestly thought they would never get married, but this horrible actress who managed to make it to A-/B+ list married the guy anyway. Now, our actress who has a lucrative side gig has been spending time away from her husband. Even a few weeks ago, all seemed right in her world, but he got busted and she seems content with spending some time apart.


  1. Derek Harvey4:31 AM


  2. Derek Harvey4:32 AM

    Jessica Alba Cash Warren

  3. This could be any actress/actor in Hollywood.
    We have our pick and eventually it becomes a Blind Reveal.

  4. Malibuborebee4:41 AM

    I've seen her around a lot lately but not the two of them together, which we used to see all the time.

  5. Kno Won Uno4:45 AM

    I also think Alba/Warren. They were in the DM pics a couple of days ago, having lunched in Aspen. He's snugged up to her, she's making her standard meh face.

  6. Derek Harvey4:47 AM

    He use to cheat on her A LOT before marriage---once with LILO...ewhh..

  7. Sophia Vergara

  8. Barrel of Monkeys (previous ID=ItsaBeautifulLife)7:08 AM

    I agree that it's Jessica Alba & Cash Warren.

    The "honestly" in the 2nd sentence is a clue. Jessica's company is The Honest Company.

  9. DoctorMaybe7:54 AM

    Yeah, Alba. Good catch on the clue, Barrel.

  10. hellodolly8:03 AM

    definitely Alba

  11. Goodmoaning11:50 AM

    I don't think it's Alba/Cash. I saw her snapchat of the two of them she posted after a wedding and they were laughing and joking . Def didn't seem like a couple in trouble, quite the opposite.

  12. Jennifer A. Her new husband

  13. Quiet Riot10:19 AM

    It could be Reese Bitterspoon, you almost never see her with her hubby, just trots him out when it makes her look good.

  14. Malibuborebee1:06 PM

    Eww - not the Dread Hooker Lohan!

    MiserAlba's got all the juice/money in that marriage. I know he's been a cheating dog with her from the blinds. I don't know what else he does. Is he an actor/singer/model or the ever-popular "entrepreneur" aka nothing? Anyway, she can crush him anytime she wants. I doubt she married him without a pre-nup.

    MiserAlba's a bore ever since she decided to hide her rotten personality and clean up her image. The only thing I wonder about her is how many years she had to spend blowing James Cameron?
