Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Today's Blind Items - The YouTube Star

There is a new breed of stars out there who have more followers and make more money than many of the people who you watch on your television screens each night. One thing that doesn't make them different is they can be predators.

In this particular case, they can be even worse than any story about any actor you have heard. Because so many of these stars fly under the radar of tabloids or TMZ or paps, they get away with a whole lot more bad behavior. Disturbing behavior. Part of the problem is their fans tend to be younger. Teens for the most part. Think of these guys as boy banders but who do most of their interacting with fans over social media including videos.

One of the most popular YouTubers/Viners out there is young. His female fan base is even younger. If he posts anything on social media it is liked or retweeted or viewed up to 100K times in under an hour. That is a lot of influence. One of them has a thing he likes to do. He will follow random fans. The fans think the selections are random but they aren't. He scours through them looking for female teens that catch his eye. He then researches their interactions online about him. If he likes what he sees, he reaches out to them. Implores them to be quiet about what he is doing with them. He then sends out messages on Twitter he says are for them, but are in reality for the 20-30 teens he is playing with at any one time. He makes these in many cases underage teens undress and make videos for him. He never chats with them on cam but makes them do these things solo and then send everything to a DropBox account that is anonymous. On visits to their city he will hook up with them in person and have sex with them. Many of the teens he has sex with are underage but are willing to do anything to be with him. He is using his influence for evil. This has been going on for well over a year, if not almost two years.

While he was doing something mainstream not that long ago, he was juggling several of these teens all in one location. One, who was 16, got pregnant. He told her to get an abortion and to lie about who got her pregnant. She got the abortion. Once she did, he told her they should stop talking for awhile. Apparently she tried to commit suicide. The guy is awful. I'm not sure I have ever heard of someone so awful in the entertainment industry. The guy is destroying lives all while being lauded as this up and coming superstar who is going to change the face of entertainment.


  1. sandybrook3:13 AM

    I can't with this first the site isnt up until God knows when, then everything comes up almost at once, now this?

  2. sandybrook3:15 AM

    could be any h.s. football or basketball player doesn't have to be a 'youtube star" if there is even such a thing.

  3. Elle B3:18 AM

    Cameron Dallas

  4. MontanaMarriott3:18 AM

    Some one from this list?

  5. Marianne3:20 AM

    Ummm, who cares? Certainly not me. You tube stars aren't stars or anything remotely like stars. I'm guessing %75 of the people who read this site don't know these losers either.. Just sayin..

  6. MontanaMarriott3:21 AM

    Lucas Cruikshank the kid who played Fred Figglehorn?

  7. Marianne3:21 AM

    Oops that would be 75%

  8. sandybrook3:23 AM

    where's Cubs ? she will know

  9. Kno Won Uno3:23 AM

    I really wish the hold out parents would knock off the "tee hee we know nothing about the intarwebz or what debbie does in her room half the night, but we don't mind if she talks to boys who are far away!" - it's not funny.

    My guess is PewDiePie.

  10. Kno Won Uno3:30 AM

    PewDiePie makes an estimated $8.47 million annually. His name shows up on reddit ALL THE TIME.
    Hardly anyone's parents are going to even understand there's such a thing as a YouTube Gamer Star, but he's one of if not the most influential worldwide. He has the most subscribed channel on YouTube & is a 26 year old Swede. 10 BILLION video views, the highest of all time, anywhere for any reason.

  11. CrashDiego3:30 AM

    Random Guess: PewDiePie?

  12. Lucas? With girls? That's never going to happen. He already came out of the closet awhile ago.

  13. French girl3:36 AM

    It is yet difficult to care about real tv so image about Viner or youtubers

  14. keith3:46 AM

    Hayes Grier? Was also on DWTS.

  15. MontanaMarriott3:47 AM

    Heck if I know I don't follow any of these Youtubers. I only picked him cus he was on a rerunned episode of iCarly I saw recently, lol

  16. Dexknows3:52 AM

    I have only heard of Dan tdm but the other guy is a mine craft thing too so I'm certain the tween/teen market would be covered

  17. AyyyPapi3:56 AM

    I really don't know about many Youtubers but I'll take a shot - Nash Grier?

    (P.S do not google 'Nash Grier pregnant'. It'll list endless amounts of stories and fanfic from hormonal teenage girls that dream of getting knocked up by him.)

  18. Sharper Teeth4:04 AM

    Ew, he and his brother creep me out. They look like pretty boy predators.

  19. Sharper Teeth4:05 AM

    he's got creeper face

  20. Tapioca4:10 AM

    Onision fit the list he's 30 something now, he only prey on teens on twitter/tumblr/youtube, all his ex gf and wives met him online when they were around 15/16.

    he abused all of them, he filmed one whom he was married with having a seizure i mean that guy is a total psycho :/

  21. longtimereader4:21 AM

    They have more eyeballs and make more bank than plenty of tv/ movie stars. Big youtube names - Sean Dawson(out as bi), RyanHiga, the Smosh boys..? Pewteepie has a girlfriend and lives in sweden.

  22. I'm pretty sure arranging these underage hookups via the web is an additional criminal charge. Let's hope someone catches him before the statute of limitations runs out on what sounds like a number of statutory rape cases. So glad I am not part of the YouTube generation.

  23. Dutch4:33 AM

    Technology is making it so much easier for assholes to prey on young girls.

  24. Zilla14:43 AM

    Austin Mahone?

  25. Maggita4:50 AM

    I agree! He is a super creeper and has openly talked about violating his wife's trust and boundaries. Also his editing is super annoying.

  26. naturally4:53 AM

    great if you make major $$$ and attention as a youtube star....but if they think they can turn that into a legit TV/movie career, they're fooling themselves. also, it pays to be young and on youtube. 25+ is over the hill......

  27. Zilla15:19 AM

    Bieber came from YouTube. So now everyone thinks they can too.

  28. Shannon5:46 AM

    Shawn mendez

  29. Shannon5:47 AM

    He's 17. My daughter loves him

  30. Lurky McLurkster6:07 AM

    Take your pick from anybody on the MAGCON roster. And yes, it makes me sad that I even know what MAGCON is. Cameron Dallas is the biggest out of the bunch right now.

  31. lila fowler6:16 AM

    OMG is this really a blind about youtubers/viners/social media freaks? Even worse than tweens.

  32. Big and yet I've heard of none of them... Crazy!

  33. Wendy7:32 AM

    I think it's one of the Grier guys too, the one on DWTS maybe? But Ariel Winter called out the other one about being a horrible person too. So, maybe it's both.

  34. Muchlu8:29 AM

    Cameron Dallas, I teach and am in contact to many young girls, so I always try to be up to date with what's going around in their world, and as I'm a gossip fan always like to talk about stars... The appeal of these youtube stars is huge, because they give a sense of being just another regular person and literally post things hundreds times a day... I have been been checking this guy on the Internet for a while, he looks good and is outgoing, but I saw how many young girls are going to this Magcon events and just going crazy for him as much as they do to Bieber and 1D... Then I see him asking on snapchat to like a comment on Twitter and he will "follow back" and girls go crazy and send him thousands of pics and love declarations and he starts following them.... Then he posts some random things just today: " I fall so fast for someone is super sweet" and " have an amazing day beautifull", as if he is talking directly to someone and these impressionable girls must believe it's them. On snapchat he is always behaving like a rich spoiled fratboy, but is careful not to do or say anything offensive.... He is always with a crew of other guys his age, around 20/21 doing pillow fights.... I always suspected it was all act, I met these type of jerks growing up, they pretend to b nice but arent, specially cute baby look ones who can getaway with anything.... I was always expecting Enty to say something, I've tried to find some dirt online but couldn't, but knowing because of this site how some famous people behave I kind of suspected... This would b huge in the tween world.. Not long ago was that story about Sam Pepper the youtuber, he was a predator too and I suspected he wasn't the only one, but unfortunately with this digital social media it's just easier for these creeps to act and hide.

  35. Tyler Oakley huge YT star. Gay as the day is old but has a shit ton of male and female followers. Just got back from a European tour. Has a book out. Always on social media. I can see him doing anything to get ahead.

  36. Muchlu8:40 AM

    And just to add the mainstream things his done some movies, runaway fashion shows in Milan and was invited to the kids choice awards.

  37. Absolutely no way is this Felix (pewdiepie). He's out there and some might consider him obnoxious, but he would never do anything like this. Plus he has been in a long-term committed relationship with Marzia.

  38. Christine9:37 AM

    Sounds right but isn't he only 16/17? Hes still gross but a 16/17 hooking up with 14/15 year olds isnt as gross

  39. Christine9:40 AM

    How would naked pics and sex with underage girls get an openly gay YouTube star ahead

  40. Yeah, big names. The only one I know is Pewteepie, and that's only because I have a teenage son. You're looking at more than 99% of the population that doesn't give a flying frack about any of these guys.

    Having said that, Enty, you're a moron. Worse than ANY actor, singer or other legit entertainer out there EVER? Get real.

  41. I agree with the PewDiPie guess. My girls are 10 and 12. Last year he was HUGE with the 4th, 5th and 6th graders. This year my kids think he is an overrated pouser.

  42. It's one of those Vinesauce guys.

  43. Spook5:33 PM

    Nash Grier

  44. Arikd2:27 AM

    Shouldn't this be reported to the authorities.?

  45. Arikd2:28 AM

    This shouldn't just be something gossiped about

  46. oh. no.11:27 AM

    Could be Nash Grier. My daughter used to like him. He's awful.

  47. Nikki2:12 AM

    What about Curtis Lepore? He is huge on vine and social media plus he plead guilty in a plea of sexually assaulting his ex Jessi Smiles - he was initially charged with rape. Strikes me as a scumbag.

  48. You should care only because it's fucked up what he's doing to girls and if everyone says "oh I don't care" then he's going to continue doing it as no one looks into it.

  49. Yup, it's a class 3 felony. Using the internet to solicit a minor. It's equally as serious as actually having sex with one, in FL.

  50. He's a singer discovered via Vine, not a YT star.

  51. I've heard horrible things about Sam Pepper.

  52. +10000000000000000000000000000000

  53. Elle B12:21 AM

    Update: toby turner
