Sunday, March 20, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #8

February 26, 2015

This foreign born B list mostly movie actor is making a living off franchises right now. The biggest one ever and another one that has an installment very soon. He says that while filming the biggest one ever he had to have sex with one of the older male leads who is openly gay. Our younger actor said it was expected of all the gay men on the set. A kind of ritual that kept the older actor supplied with young men for nearly a decade.

Luke Evans/Ian McKellen


  1. NoseyNeighbor4:20 AM

    Ewww. So he's the uncle Terry of the acting world.

  2. Derek's Clean Thong4:55 AM

    Horny old geezer. I wonder what is his phone number.

  3. mariaj5:00 AM

    No, Ian, don't disappoint me this way. Sigh

  4. So Peter Jackson stood by and let this happen?

  5. Vroom Vroom5:04 AM

    Wow. Didn't have him down for a rapist.

  6. just4fun5:06 AM

    I am not suggesting that I condone this sexual abuse/sexual harassment nor am I intending to minimize it, but is it really any more repugnant than what women are subjected to in Hollywood and have been since movies started turning wannabes into stars?

  7. Mrs.K5:58 AM

    Its the exact same as the hollywood casting couch except this time its men getting a taste of the sexual abuse through peer pressure. Women have been subjected to this for decades to get a job in Hollywood.

  8. Sadie6:05 AM

    Oh well, the straight old geezers do it too. Or at least try it.

  9. Dutch6:38 AM

    Now this is a reveal!

  10. And long may it continue.

  11. texasrose6:44 AM

    If this happened at all probably just started as a story he told about banging McKellen and embellished with tidbit about all the gay actors on set did. Then it gets twisted into a 'had to' story.

  12. texasrose6:46 AM

    Fine line between 'had to' and thought it would help my career (certainly wouldn't hurt it).

  13. helpimpurple7:29 AM

    expose these guys. the internet exists, u know

  14. You're so disgusting.

  15. Sorry but I don't believe it for a second.

  16. oh. no.10:42 AM

    This is an extremely serious allegation. Until a burden of proof has been satisfied it remains an allegation. (It doesn't hurt to state the obvious sometimes.)
