Sunday, March 27, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #7

March 20, 2015

This A list mostly television actress who gets paid a lot of money on her hit network show had a bad reaction to some botox and can’t close one of her eyes all the way. Apparently over time as the botox wears off she will be able to.

Kaley Cuoco


  1. Alabama3:40 AM

    I like her but this actually made me laugh. And lose faith in those who appear to look good cause they're young. Damn.

    Can't close her eye....bwahahahahahaha

  2. Kno Won Uno4:52 AM

    I don't much like her, but I also don't much like someone so young getting Botox
    Seems like a bad idea.

  3. BigBlue6:21 AM

    Hey, at least she can always keep one eye on any future losers she dates (rimshot)...

  4. AndrewBW11:13 AM

    There seems to be an unusually high percentage of really crappy plastic surgeons in Hollywood. Doesn't Angie's List or someone cover them?

  5. Patrick12:32 PM

    There are some really good ones. Who everyone (press included) knows about. Its not just about getting work done for these actresses. They have to do it with NO ONE knowing about it. That means going to lesser known sources. Also, it could have been a bad botox batch, or a single reaction of a single nerve.

  6. I really don't get anyone under 47 or so having botox or fillers (i guess unless you are filling scars or something). What's the point? Expression lines are a part of a perfectly normal and nice face.

  7. More and more younger people are getting botox as a preventative measure. Some wrinkles develop basically because of repeated facial expressions, etc. If you start getting botox young (the recommended age is 28), you can essentially prevent the wrinkles from forming in the first place, and it pays off in the long run. While I obviously agree the expression lines are normal and absolutely fine..this is Hollywood. Parts drastically decline for women over 30, and I can understand why people take measures to stay looking as young as possible. Unfortunately many times it has the opposite effect and these 20 somethings end up looking like a Real Housewife.
