Saturday, March 05, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #7

January 8, 2015

Before this teen landed the one hit wonder skeezy pop star she had a brief fling with this foreign born married A list mostly movie actor who broke things off when he found out his wife was expecting a baby.

April Love Geary/Ryan Reynolds


  1. Zilla13:24 AM

    How gallant of him.

  2. Meh. I loved Deadpool.

  3. saras3:36 AM

    Never understood his appeal as he seems like a bag of d!@#s

  4. He has dark evil eyes

  5. kitscher4:42 AM

    as a straight woman who likes hot guys, all I can say is

    he is the male version of a butterface.

  6. Cinabun10:41 AM

    I never got the appeal, either.
    But if the stories about him are true, like above, he's just another guy who will take what he can get.
    Avril? Ick. She's nasty.

  7. Cinabun10:43 AM

    My bad, April not Avril. No difference other then the name.
    Better looking, but any woman who would willingly have sex w/ Robin? Barf.

  8. Patrick10:49 AM

    Here come the attacks on RR on this site. This is the only one where blinds like this appear. Granted RR doesn't play the fame game like other actors, which doesn't endear him to the entertainment media.
    But whoever runs this site is obviously connected at some type of media management entity, be it an agency, entertainment law firm, or PR agency, or studio(s). And this site is willing to run "planted" stories about actors that I assume are the competition for the actors represented by whoever plants the stories here. If Jlaw or Daisy Ridely, two gorgeous and talented actresses, behaved as rumored on this site, it would have shown up SOMEWHERE. It hasn't. Ditto RR. I'm sure RR maybe reserved on set, and unwilling to hang out with every rando that comes into his orbit, but he seems OK. Lots of really nice actors seem to like him well enough, and that tells me something.

  9. Plus he is a vacant dumbass. I also do not get the appeal. Spending 6 days a week on gym equipment does not equal alluring or hot.

  10. Malibuborebee4:42 AM

    Patrick, your defense of poor, put-upon, misunderstood Ryan Reynolds is quite touching.

    Too bad he's a nasty piece of work and a total douchebag because other than that he's awesome and if other douchebags like him he must be all right.

    p.s. This isn't the only site that has noted Reynolds' douchebaggery.

  11. Malibuborebee4:44 AM

    Nasty Reynolds and that nasty Blake Lively are absolutely perfect for each other. I hope they stay together forever.
