Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 19, 2016

Despite the fact that her popularity slips every day and that her latest network show was a huge disaster of a bomb, this former High School Musical actress is not very nice to what fans she has remaining. When she landed at the airport this week, there were about ten people waiting to see her and take photos and get her autograph. She blew right past them and pretended not to notice when they were calling her name. I bet she will be on social media soon asking those same snubbed fans to purchase her new product line though.

Ashley Tisdale


  1. sandybrook2:35 AM

    Why would anybody go out of their way to find out her travel itinerary and go out to an airport to be a welcoming party for her?

  2. Kno Won Uno2:35 AM

    I hope she's on social media begging for attention and becomes the Forlorn Tisdale Meme.

  3. Kno Won Uno2:48 AM

    People are batshit crazy.

  4. Mollie3:07 AM

    She's trying to be a beauty blogger now, like Chung or Cassidy.

  5. BoredomLine4:01 AM

    I met her at the Hairspray premier and she didn't want to sign anything or take a picture. Later I asked Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens and they were totally cool about it. She was standing right there and gave me a dirty look for not asking her.

  6. Derek's Anal Beads5:47 AM

    Ditto. So difficult, this blind.

  7. Perrett5:16 AM

    I liked Clipped! I was sorry it was cancelled.
